Intraoperative monitoring of laboratory parameters of age-related diseases, by using information systems during the novel coronavirus infection

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The quarantine measures introduced as a result of the novel coronavirus infection (NCI) pandemic have contributed to the implementation of modern opportunities for remote work, remote transmission of data and laboratory study results. An electronic laboratory research data exchange (LRDE) system has been created in Saint Petersburg. Objective: based on a literature review, to describe the possibilities of using information systems to improve the quality of health care for patients with age-related diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods. Scientific literature, regulatory legal acts, drug instructions were used as the material of the study. Results and discussion. The need for remote health information in a new reality has identified a new challenge for remote access and further improvement of high-tech software systems. The transfer of data to the LRDE system meets all cybersecurity and timeliness criteria. Continuous remote work and transmission of results during peak periods prevents the spread of NCI. The post-analysis of this situation emphasizes the critical priority of introducing a new level of computer literacy, primarily among healthcare workers. Computer programs in clinical laboratory diagnosis are widely used not only for data transfer, i.e. they perform a communicative function, but also to receive, convert, and estimate various parameters. Conclusion. The development and implementation of new information systems can reduce the incidence of age-related diseases and NCI, as well as significantly improve quality of life in elderly and senile patients.

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About the authors

N. L. Zhukova

Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology


S. A. Rukavishnikova

Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology


Associate Professor

U. R. Saginbaev

Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology


Candidate of Biological Sciences

T. A. Akhmedov

Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology


Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

A. S. Pushkin

Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology


Associate Professor

S. G. Lenkin

Medical center «Paid KVD»

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Medical Sciences


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