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Since erectile dysfunction is frequently accompanied by hypogonadism, this study has been undertaken to define indications for combined therapy with phosphodiesterase type V inhibitors in combination with androgens. Androgen monotherapy have turned out to be effective in 67.6% of patients. It is advisable to use combined therapy to patients with severe and moderate erectile dysfunction, diabetes mellitus and/or coronary heart disease shortly after these conditions are diagnosed. However, there is an earlier occurrence of benefits from therapy with phosphodiesterase type V inhibitors if androgens have been previously used.

About the authors

R Rozhivanov

D Kurbatov

Ft Rozhivanov

Endocrinology Research Center, Russian Agency for Medical Technologies

; Endocrinology Research Center, Russian Agency for Medical Technologies

D Kurbatov

Endocrinology Research Center, Russian Agency for Medical Technologies

; Endocrinology Research Center, Russian Agency for Medical Technologies


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