Anemic syndrome and its features in patients with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV infection

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Currently, the Incidence of HIV infection and pulmonary tuberculosis (PT) comorbidlty is Increasing, with disseminated PT making up a major proportion In the pattern of clinical forms of PT. Anemic syndrome is one of the possible complications of both tuberculosis and HIV infection. Objective: to Investigate the features of anemic syndrome In patients with disseminated PT/HIV infection comorbidlty. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 42 patients with HIV Infection and disseminated PT. The patients' clinical and social characteristics were studied; the values of a general blood test were analyzed. Serum Iron, ferritin, and hepcidin levels were additionally determined. Statistical data were processed using the MedCalc 19.2.6 statistical software program. Results The patients with HIV infection and disseminated PT were found to have anemia, mainly hypo- or normochromic moderate anemia, In half of the cases. There was a preponderance of anemia of chronic disease (47.6%), mixed anemia (38.1%), whereas true iron deficiency anemia was rare (4.8%). Conclusion. The findings may further contribute to the choice of tactics for the correction of anemic syndrome in patients with HIV infection and disseminated PT.

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About the authors

E. V Yakovleva

Samara State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia



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