Thrombosis of the coronary and cerebral vessels at the onset of polycythemia vera (the authors’ own observation)



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This paper describes the clinical case of a 39-year-old woman who had longterm polycy-themia vera and developed thrombosis of various localization without other clinical manifestations and complete blood count changes, which were characteristic of this disease. This pathological condition was suspected only when there were significantly elevated levels of hematocrit, plate-lets, and leukocytes, and supported by additional tests (detection of V617 mutation in the Jak2 gene and low erythropoietin levels).




L. Kozlova

Orenburg State Medical University

Professor, MD

G. Kuchma

Orenburg State Medical University

Candidate of Medical Sciences

N. Sokolova

Orenburg Regional Clinical Hospital


S. Lebedenko

Orenburg Regional Clinical Hospital


G. Bagirova

Orenburg State Medical University

Professor, MD


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