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This article addresses the issues concerning assessment of generic drugs and their correspondence to original drug product. Discusses concepts such as pharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic (biological) and therapeutic equivalence. The problem of governmental regulation of quality and submission for obtaining marketing authorization for generic drug products in Russia are discussed.




A. Sokolov

Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

V. Kukes

Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Professor Academian of the Russian Academy os Science

N. Bunatyan

Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


T. Rodina

Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

A. Prokofiev

Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

V. Arkhipov

Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

L. Krasnykh

Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

E. Sokova

Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


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