Analiz soderzhaniya rezistina, adiponektina i leptina u patsientov s ostrym infarktom miokarda s pod\"emom ST



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Adipokines are potential factors modulating atherogenesis. Their pathogenetic significance was determined in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and in those with chronic coronary heart disease. Adipokines were established to undergo dynamic changes in AMI, to be involved in the inflammatory responses triggered by ischemia and hemodynamic insufficiency, and to favor the development of insulin resistance, which might suggest that they affected postinfarction remodeling processes in the heart and vessels.




P. Lebedev

Samara State Medical University


K. Mateesku

Samara State Medical University


A. Verbovoy

Samara State Medical University


O. Malkova

Samara State Medical University


M. Aleksandrov

Samara State Medical University



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