Treatment for postmenopausal endometrial hyperplastic processes

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The authors present their experience in prospectively following up patients with postmenopausal endometrial hyperplastic processes. Their treatments involved hormonal therapy, laparoscopic bilateral adnexectomy, hysterectomy, laser, balloon, and bipolar electrosurgical ablation of the endometrium. A differential approach was applied to choosing a treatment, by taking into account the pattern of endometrial pathology, a concomitant extragenital abnormality, and the endometrial receptor status. Endometrial ablation is the method of choice in treating endometrial polyps; hysterectomy is expedient in glandular hyperplasia. Hormonal therapy and endometrial ablation cannot avoid a relapse and a risk of endometrial cancer in somatic patients at high risk for complications from hysterectomy.

About the authors

Valentina Grigor'evna Breusenko

G M Savel'eva

Yu A Golova

O I Mishieva

V G Breusenko

Russian State Medical University, Russian Agency for Health Care

Russian State Medical University, Russian Agency for Health Care

G M Savelyeva

Russian State Medical University, Russian Agency for Health Care

Russian State Medical University, Russian Agency for Health Care

Yu A Golova

Russian State Medical University, Russian Agency for Health Care

Russian State Medical University, Russian Agency for Health Care

O I Mishiyeva

Russian State Medical University, Russian Agency for Health Care

Russian State Medical University, Russian Agency for Health Care


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