Pregravid preparation in women with decreased fertility

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To date, no one doubts that there is a need for pregravid preparation even in healthy young women. Nutrient deficiency that characterizes current nutrition may be a cause of the unfavorable course of pregnancy and poor perinatal outcomes. In addition, vitamin and trace element deficiencies can decrease fertility and give rise to infertility. But the composition of vitamin-mineral complexes may vary widely and the choice of one or another agent becomes a very urgent problem. Since many known biologically active substances are involved in impaired fertility, the pregravid preparation of infertile women must consider this factor and include the vitamins, micro- and microelements, the likelihood of whose deficiencies is highest, and the active ingredients that ensure nervous system adaptation, hormonal homeostasis, and optimal reproductive organ status prior to conception.

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About the authors

I. V Kuznetsova

SEC Center for Women Health of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

MD, professor, senior researcher


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