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Objective. To reveal the rate of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection among women who are in prison and to determine the prognostic value of high-risk (HR) HPV diagnosis using an Ovintip device. Subjects and methods. A total of 150 women aged 25-59years (mean age, 37.3+8.0years) who were in prison were examined. Vaginal discharge was collected using an Ovintip device and vaginal smear from the cervical canal was taken by a physician for a further HR HPV PCR test. Results. Among the 150examinees, there were HR HPV-infectedpatients (36.7%). HPV-posittve women (61.8%) were infected with several types of HR HPV. HPV16 concurrent with HPV31, 33, 39, 52, and 58 was detected in more than one third of the examinees. HPV16 prevailed in monoinfection. When the material was taken by a woman using an Ovintip device, the sensitivity and specificity of HR HPV diagnosis were 78.3 and 91.3%, respectively. Conclusion. The findings suggest that women who are in prison show a high rate of HR HPV infection. The vaginal discharge self-collection device is of high prognostic value and may be recommended for HpV detection.

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About the authors

Natalia Vladimirovna Artymuk

Kemerovo State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russian

Email: artymuk@gmail.ru
MD, PhD, Professor, the head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Two Kemerovo 650029, Voroshilova str. 22a, Russia

Kristina Vladimirovna Marochko

Kemerovo State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russian

Email: vi-nis-ka@mail.ru
postgraduate student, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Two Kemerovo 650029, Voroshilova str. 22a, Russia


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