Role of placental mitochondria in the etiology and pathogenesis of complicated pregnancy

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The paper analyzes the works of Russian and foreign scientists on placental mitochondrial dysfunction as one of the possible causes of the occurrence and development of pregnancy complications. There is a lot of evidence suggesting that the pathogenesis of preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, preterm birth, and miscarriages is closely related to oxidative stress, proteomic spectrum changes, lipid metabolic disorders, impaired miRNA expression, quality-control system dysregulation, and lower respiratory chain enzyme activity, which occur in placental mitochondria. Although the pathophysiology underlying gestational complications is different, the changes in mitochondrial structure and functions are seen in all cases of a common final stage of cell death and can be a target for pharmacotherapy.

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About the authors

Valentina N. Perfilova

Volgograd State Medical University

Dr.Sc (Biology), professor, Department of Pharmacology and Biopharmacy


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