The use of autoplasma, enriched with platelet-derived soluble factors, when carrying out the programs of in vitro fertilization (IFV) in patients with infertility and chronic endometritis

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Aim of study: To evaluate the effectiveness of autoplasma enriched with platelet-derived soluble factors in IVF cycles in patients with chronic endometritis in history. Materials and methods: The study took place in the period from 2017 to 2018. In IVF cycle autoplasma was not injected into the patients in Group I (n=43); on the 6th-10th day of the stimulated cycle, autoplasma enriched with platelet-derived soluble factors was injected into uterus in patients in group II (n=94). Inclusion criteria: the patients of reproductive age with infertility and chronic endometritis in history. Exclusion criteria: the patients with poor embryo quality. Results: Intrauterine injection of autologous plasma enriched with platelet-derived soluble factors increases up to 25% the success rate of embryo implantation during IVF procedure, as compared to traditional protocols.

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About the authors

Olga K. Doronina

Federal State Budget Institution "National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

MD, Professor, Deputy Head of Medical Care Organization

Ella N. Deilidka

Healthcare Institution "Clinical Maternity Hospital № 2"

postgraduate student


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