Diagnosis of placental insufficiency by testing f or serum DcR3

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Aim. To investigate serum levels of DcR3 in women with threatened miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage, and healthy pregnancy. Materials and methods. The study comprised 75 pregnant women, including 46 patients with a threatened miscarriage before12 weeks’ gestation and recurrent miscarriage (study group) and 29 women with a first-trimester pregnancy and no signs of threatened and recurrent miscarriage (control group). The serum level of DcR3 was determined by enzyme immunoassay. Results. Serum levels of DcR3 above 0.87 pg/ml are indicative of the development of placental insufficiency in the second half of pregnancy, both in women of the study and control groups. Conclusion. Elevated serum DcR3 levels in early pregnancy lend support for further studies aimed at predicting placental insufficiency.

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About the authors

Anna I. Malyshkina

V.N. Gorodkov Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood of Minzdrav of Russia; Ivanovo State Medical Academy of Minzdrav of Russia

Email: ivniimid@inbox.ru

Natalya Yu. Sotnikova

V.N. Gorodkov Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood of Minzdrav of Russia; Ivanovo State Medical Academy of Minzdrav of Russia

Email: ivniimid@inbox.ru

Natalya V. Kroshkina

V.N. Gorodkov Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood of Minzdrav of Russia

Email: ivniimid@inbox.ru

Nataliya V. Batrak

Ivanovo State Medical Academy of Minzdrav of Russia

Email: batrakn@inbox.ru


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