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Objective. To determ ine the optimal drug therapy policy for endometrial hyperplastic processes (EHPs) in women with hypothyroidism. Subject and methods. Examinations were made in 180 women with EHP; in 120 of whom, EHPs were associated with hypothyroidism. The investigators identified 2 groups: 1) 62 women who underwent only correction of thyroid dysfunction; 2) 58 patients who received combined therapy for hypothyroidism and EHP. A control group consisted of 60 female patients with EHP without thyroid disease. Results. The efficiency of treatment for EHP was determined to be almost identical in both when prescribing only levothyroxine preparations and when using the latter in combination with gestagens and combined oral contraceptives. Conclusion. Therapy for EHP in patients with hypothyroidism, first of all, should consist of correction of thyroid dysfunction.

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About the authors

Gayane Yu. MKOYAN

Izmirlyan Medical Center

Email: izmirlianmedicalcenter@gmail.com
Doctor Obstetrician-gynecologist Erevan, Republic of Armenia


YSMU named after M. Heratsi; Beglaryan Medical Center

Email: armineharutyunyan@ymail.com
MD, Associate Professor of Department of Obstetrics and Gyneacology of № 1 Erevan, Republic of Armenia


Polyclinic Eight

Email: pol.8@mail.ru
Doctor- Endocrinologist Erevan, Republic of Armenia


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