Vaginal infections. Two-step treatment

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The literature review discusses two-step treatment for vaginal infections. It presents probative evidence on the efficiency and safety of using the antiseptic Dequalinium chloride (10 mg) in the first stage and the probiotic Gynoflor E that contains at least 107 CFU/g in a tablet of live Lactobacillus acidophilus KS 400 and 0.03 mg of estriol.

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About the authors

E. F Hra

N.I. Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Ministry of Russia

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation; Professor, Head, Department of Women’s Diseases and Reproductive Health, Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians 65, Nizhnyaya Pervomayskaya, Moscow 105203

L. I Rastorgueva

N.I. Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Women’s Diseases and Reproductive Health, Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians 65, Nizhnyaya Pervomayskaya, Moscow 105203

Yu. V Khalturina

N.I. Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Women’s Diseases and Reproductive Health, Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians 65, Nizhnyaya Pervomayskaya, Moscow 105203

V. V Pushkina

N.I. Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center

Senior Laboratory Assistant, Department of Women’s Diseases and Reproductive Health, Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians 65, Nizhnyaya Pervomayskaya, Moscow 105203


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