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No 4 (2008)


Obstetric diseases in hyperhomocysteinemia: Pathogenetic aspects

Makarov O.V., Ozolinya L.A., Shaikova D.A., Kashezbeva A.Z.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):3-5
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Molecular markers in the evaluation of the severity of gestosis

Sidorova I.S., Chekhonin V.P., Gorina O.I., Gabibov A.G., Nikitina N.A., Bilyavskaya O.S., Shemanayeva T.V.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):6-10
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Regulatory and adaptive processes in the maternal-placental-fetal system in varying gestosis

Ushakova G.A., Rets Y.V.


Objective: to study the regulatory and adaptive processes in the maternal-placental-fetal system in gestosis. Setting: Obstetric Clinic, Kemerovo State Medical Academy. Design: a prospective study. Subjects: 237 pregnant women at gestational weeks 28-40 were examined. A study group included 102 pregnant with mild gestosis (n = 28), moderate gestosis (n = 23), and severe gestosis (n = 51). A control group consisted of 135 women with physiological pregnancy. Methods: routine clinical study, ultrasound fetometry and piacentometry, Doppler study of blood flow in the maternai-placentak-fetal system, and feta I cardiotocography. The maternal and fetal autonomic nervous systems (ANS) were studied, by analysing cardiac rhythm variability by cardiointervahgraphy (C1G). Maternal cardiointervals were recorded by the photofrequency; awakening fetal C1G was made by the procedure described by G. A. Ushakova and Yu. V. Rets. The calculations of a mode, its amplitude, a variability range, and a tension index are given. The results were compared using the Mann-Whitney U-test; Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to analyze the relation of variables. Results: in physiological pregnancy there was a preponderance of the LVF component of a spectrum in the ranges of 26-130 and 2-30 msec 2/Hz in 85.9 and 88.1% in the mother and fetus, respectively; baroreceptive (LF) and parasympathetic (HF) components were 10-30% of the power spectral density of VLF, which suggested that there was a functional balance of centra! and autonomic regulatory circuits. In mild gestosis, maternal and fetal ANS regulation was at the state of equilibrium in 64.2 and 71.4%, respectively; however, 39.2% of the females were found to have a moderate activation of a trophotropic regulation component. Neonatal adaptation was satisfactory in 82.2% of cases. Only 17.8% of cases were diagnosed as having metabolic disorders, which piomoted the formation of groups at risk for central nervous system (CNS) diseases and endocrinopathies and required a follow-up. In moderate gestosis, 82.5 of the mothers and 100% of the fetuses were observed to have abnormal cardiac rhythm regulation types with significant sympathetic regulation tension or exhaustion. In early neonatality, 26.1% of the neonatal infants were diagnosed as having hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with the signs of CNS excitation; 8.9% had intracranial hypertension. The posthypoxic syndrome of cardiovascular dysadaptation was recorded in 13.1% of cases, which was mainly characterized by functional systolic murmur in the presence of patent fenestra ovalis with right-to-left shunting. In severe gestosis, the above trends progressed, which was indicative of maternal-fetal system maladjustment and autonomic functioning, and clinically manifested by worsening gestosis and fetal hypoxia, which required emergency delivery. The early neonatal manifestations of dysadaptation were acute mild and severity asphyxia in 17.6% of cases (2.3%; p = 0.002), hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with the significant signs of CNS inhibition and (he presence of convulsions. In 5.9% of cases experienced hypoxia led to a dysrythmie type of cardiovascular dysadaptation syndrome appearing as sinus tachycardia, sinus arrhythmia. Conclusion: CIG determination of ANS function evaluates the state of metabolic processes and autonomic nervous regulation of maternal and fetal cardiac rhythm, which makes it possible in gestosis to detect and timely correct abnormalities in the maternal-placental-and-fetal system, to decide the time and method of delivery and to improve labor outcomes.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):11-15
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Placental insufficiency and miscarriage in patients with chronic viral infections: Immunological aspects

Dolgushina N.V.


Objective: to assess a role of the cytotoxic link of the immune system and proinflammatory cytokines in the genesis of placental insufficiency and miscarriage in females with chronic viral infections. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Prophylactic Faculty, I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Design: a prospective cohort study. Subjects: 81 pregnant women with chronic viral infections and 100 patients in the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy (a control group). Methods: plasma cell immunity parameters (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, and CD25) were investigated by flow cytometry and the levels of extracellular proinflammatory (IL-2, IL-6, and TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10) were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Placental insufficiency was diagnosed by the data of ultrasound and Doppler studies, and the level of placental hormones. Results: activation of cytotoxic immunity (CD8 +, CD16 +, CD56 +), T-lymphocytic activation markers (CD25 +) and increased synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-2 and TNF-α) were revealed in pregnant women with viral infections as compared with the control group. These changes were observed throughout pregnancy starting from early gestational periods and they were accompanied by a reduction of Th2-pathway cytokines (IL-4 and IL-10). Conclusion: stratified analysis revealed the maximum increase in the count of CDS8 +, CD56, CD25, IL-2, TNF-α, and a reduction in IL-4 and IL-10 in patients with viral infections with the development of placental insufficiency and miscarriage.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):16-19
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Role of cesarean section in the reduction of perinatal mortality and morbidity in full-term babies

Savelyeva G.M., Trofimova O.A.


Objective: to determine ways of reducing perinatal mortality and morbidity among full-term infants and the significance of cesarean section (CS). Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatric Faculty, Russian State Medical University, Moscow. Design: a retrospective study. Material and methods: 292 case histories of term labors, the babies after which required intensive care, in different Moscow obstetric institutions were analyzed. Infants with congenital or hereditary diseases were excluded from the study. Results: analysis of the causes of fetal sufferings during pregnancy and labor suggests that it is necessary to expand indications for CS in third-degree growth retardation, advanced pregnancy, severe gestosis, large fetal dimensions exceeding 4500 g during the first labor, and stillbirth in the history. In addition, aggressive labor management contributes to the grave condition of babies at birth. Conclusion: perinatal outcomes in full-term infants without malformations should be continuously compared with the methods of management of pregnancy and labor, which promotes the choice of the most optimal methods of them.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):20-23
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Experience with focused ultrasound ablation used in uterine leiomyoma

Sukhikh G.T., Samoilova T.Y., Maksutova D.Z., Kurinov S.B., Kulabukhova Y.A., Smetnik V.P., Volobayev A.I.


Objective: to study the clinical effectiveness and safety of focused ultrasound ablation (FUA) used in patients with uterine leiomyoma under guidance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on the basis of clinicoinstrumental analysis. Setting: V. I, Kulakov Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Russian Agency for Medical Technologies; Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Faculty for Postgraduate Education of Physicians, I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Design: a prospective study. Subjects: 137 patients aged 27 to 56 years who had uterine leiomyoma. Forty-one patients were selected for FUA. Methods: general clinical, instrumental, and morphological studies. Results: FUA was performed in 33 patients successfully and in S patients unsuccessfully due to technological difficulties. Twenty-eight of the 33 patients were observed to have diminished menstrual bleedings, pains, and pressure on the adjacent organs, 2 patients had nagging pain during menstruation; menorrhagia persisted in 3. Small pelvic ultrasonography with color Doppler mapping indicated that 7-10 days after FUA for leiomyoma, the volume of the uterus and a dominant nodule reduced by on an average of 23 and 21%, respectively. The intensity of blood flow in the central parts of nodules decreased in 26 patients; nodular blood flow was undetectable in 7. Three months following FUA, the latter showed a clinical efficiency in all the patients; small pelvic magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a considerable reduction in uterine volumes (by an average of 31%) and myomatous nodules (by an average of 40%). Conclusion: FUA is a rather promising noninvasive treatment for uterine leiomyoma.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):24-27
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Prevention of chromosomal aberrations in the fetuses of patients undergoing assisted procreation programs with Robertsonian translocations in the karyotype

Glinkina Z.T., Kuzmichev L.N., Bakbnrev V.A., Dzenis I.G., Azizova G.D., Lisova L.P.


Objective: to reveal the level of chromosomal aberrations in the embryos of patients with Robertsonian translocations in the karyotype. Setting: V. I. Kulagin Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Russian Agency for Medical Technologies, Moscow Subjects: males with chromosomal changes in the karyotype, who were included into the assisted procreation (AP) programme and who needed an intraplasma oocystic cytoplamic spermatozoon injection (ICSI) procedure, as well as embryos of two married couples in whom the male karyotype was presented as 45,XY, der(13/l4)(q10;q10). Methods: molecular cytogenetic study. Results: in one married couple, embryonic genetic study revealed in two cycles 62% of embryos suitable for transfer by genetic criteria; trisomy in 38% by the study chromosomes. The other had no embryos suitable for transfer in two AP programs. Chromosomal aneuploidies were exhibited by the following abnormalities: monosomy of chromosome 13 or 14 (37.5%) and trisomy of chromosome 13 or 14 (62.5%). Singleton pregnancy occurred in the first married couple in the second cycle of AP. Conclusion: the high frequency of embryonic genetic abnormalities in patients with karyotypic translocations shows it unadvisable to transfer embryos without their genetic study and necessary to make preimplantation genetic diagnosis in patients with chromosomal aberrations.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):28-31
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Concurrent infection of the urinary and genital systems in girls

Kuznetsova I.V., Guseva Y.V.


Objective: to upgrade the quality of treatment in children with genital diseases associated with chronic urinary tract infection. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Training; Department of Childhood Surgical Diseases, Russian Slate Medical University, Moscow. Subjects: 160 girls with concurrent urogynecologicaд infection (a study group), 100 girls with isolated vulvovaginitis (a control group). Methods: clinicoanamnestic examination, microscopy, bacteriological, cytological study of vaginal discharge, polymerase chain reaction, urinary bacteriological study. The significance was estimated by the χ 2 test and Fisher’s exact test; the differences between the values compared were considered to be significant at χ 2 > 3.8; p < 0.05. Results: in patients with nephrourological diseases, the symptoms of vulvovaginitis were detected in 80% of cases, the vast majority (92.5%) being girls aged less than 10 years. In girls with nephrourological diseases, among the infectious agents there was a preponderance of Escherichia coll in 43.7% of cases. In patients with concurrent urogynecological infection, Mycoplasma (M. hominis and U. urealiticum) and Chlamydia (C. trachomatis) were more frequently found in chronic than in acute course of an inflammatory process. The contrary was observed in girls with isolated vulvovaginitis wherein the above microorganisms were more common in the acute phase of the disease. Genital viral affliction was associated with the acute course of vulvovaginitis in both groups. Analysis of cytomorphograms showed no differences between the groups; the mucosa corresponded to the age period and blood estradiol level. Interpreting the cytomorphograms in terms of inflammatory changes revealed the discrepancy between the cytological and microscopic findings of vaginal smears in 39.3% of the prepubertal girls (under 9 years of age). Conclusion: there is evidence for the high prevalence of vulvovaginitis and its frequent concomitance with nephrourological diseases. Even having normal microscopic data, the girls with nephrourological diseases and visual signs of vulvovaginitis should undergo cytomorphological and bacteriological studies and diagnosis of genital infections. Cytological verification of an inflammation is a sufficient basis for etiotropic therapy of vulvovaginitis in concomitant urogynecological diseases.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):32-35
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Complex rehabilitative non-drug therapy in the treatment of women with clironie small pelvic inflammatory diseases and pelvic pain syndrome

Kuzmina M.A., Ipatova M.V.


Objective: to study the effects of sulfide-sludge muds and iodide-bromine waters on the clinical pathogenetic mechanisms of chronic small pelvic inflammatory diseases (CSPID) complicated by the pelvic pain syndrome. Setting: Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Russian Agency for Medical Technologies, Moscow; Tinaki Rehabilitation Center, Astrakhan. Subjects: 108 pregnant women with CSPID. Methods; physical, hematological, ultrasound, radioimmune, psychological, laser Doppler flowmetry. Results; the use of snlfide-sludge muds and iodide-bromine waters of the Tinaki Rehabilitation Center in the treatment of patients with pelvic pain syndrome-complicated CSP/D promotes a rapid relief of pain, by preventing its chronic pattern, enhances nonspecific resistance of the body due to its adaptive capacities, positively affects the hormonal status, and improves peripheral hemodynamics, which makes in the aggregate the prediction of CSPID better. Conclusion: non-drug treatments in female patients with CSPID are highly effective.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):36-38
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Experience in pathogenetically correcting blood coagulative disorders during laparoscopic gynecological operations

Polyakova V.A., Bysbevsky A.S., Vinokurova Y.A., Chernova A.L., Baklayeva N.B., Karpova I.A., Rudzevich A.Y., Nedorizanyuk M.A.


Objective: to study a coagulative component of hemostasis in gynecological patients before and after laparoscopic operations, to assess whether it is expedient to correct hemocoagulative changes with selmevit. Setting: Tyumen State Medical Academy; Maternity Hospital 3, Tyumen. Design: a retrospective study. Subjects: 252 women (of whom 232 had undergone laparoscopic interventions: I) into uterine appendages; 2) medical myomectomy; and 3) hysterectomy) were examined. A control group comprised 20 healthy women of reproductive age. Methods: examinations were made 24 hours before and 1, 3-4, anti 5-7 days after surgery. The clinicoanamnestic characteristics of the female patients operated on were studied. The duration of an operation, the mode of anesthesia, and intraoperative blood loss were taken into account. In the postoperative period, the authors estimated the presence and frequency of thrombohemorrhagic complications, the total length of hospital stay, and the number of bed/days at hospital after surgery. The coagulative component of hemostasis was evaluated in all the women, by using the reagents manufactured by Tekhnologiya-Standart (Technology-Standard) (Barnaul). Results: It has been ascertained that laparoscopic surgery in gynecological patients may cause blood coagulative changes and increase the activity of platelets, resulting in the accelerated thrombin -fibrinogen interaction that reaches the point that induces secondary hypocoagulation. Examination of the patients undergone laparoscopic gynecological operations (on the uterine appendages, medical myomectomy or hysterectomy) has revealed that the magnitude of hemostasiological changes may be limited by supplementing routine (traditional) therapeutic measures and by using the complex antioxidant selmevit that diminishes lipid peroxidation activation and facilitates a rapider recovery of hemostasis. Conclusion: The vitamin-antioxidant complex selmevit (one dragee daily before 14 days prior to surgery and within the first 14 postoperative days) is recommended for the prevention of thrombohemorrhagic complications during endosurgical gynecological operations.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):39-44
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Analysis of multicenter use of recombinant coagulation factor VIIA (NovoSeven) in the treatment of profuse obstetric hemorrhages

Fedorova T.A., Strelnikova Y.V., Rogachevsky O.V.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):48-51
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Current viewpoint of chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis

Bairamova G.R.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):52-56
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Experience with an Elton Lake therapeutic mud lipid fraction used in the complex treatment of cervicitis

Zharkin N.A., Shchetinina T.A.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):59-60
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Capacities of tissue focused ultrasound teleablation technology under guidance of magnetic resonance imaging in the treatment of uterine myoma

Lyadov K.V., Sidorova I.S., Kurashvili Y.B., Stepanov A.V., Agabalayeva A.O., Zelenin G.B., Vishninsky A.A., Lazutkina V.Y.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):61-67
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A case of pregnancy and twin labor in a woman with subleukemic 68 myelosis and anti phospholipid syndrome

Ordzhonikidze N.V., Shraakov R.G., Polushkina Y.S., Tsvetayeva N.V., Sokolova M.A., Khoroshko N.D.
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):68-69
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Leonid Semenovich Persianinov

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Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;(4):70-72
pages 70-72 views

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