Characteristics of production and reception of sex hormones in patients with chronic endometritis

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Objective. To determine the level of sex hormones and evaluate endometrial receptivity in patients with chronic endometritis. Materials and methods. There was an assessment of sex hormone levels, the expression of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors, and the membrane component of the progesterone receptor (PGRMC1) in patients with chronic endometriosis and in the patients of the control group. Results. Patients with immunohistochemical signs of endometritis had significantly higher levels of progesterone in the blood (p=0.006). The analysis of the expression of sex hormone receptors in the endometrium revealed a decrease in the expression of PR and PGRMC1, which indicates an impairment of hormone reception at the molecular level (p<0.001) Conclusion. Patients with chronic endometritis can be administered progestogen therapy only in case of progesterone deficiency.

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About the authors

Yuliya A. Lyzikova

Gomel State Medical University

MD, PhD, Associate Professor


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