Abnormal placental attachment


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The paper considers the current data available in the literature on the etiology, pathogenesis, the course of pregnancy and treatment in the presence of abnormal placental attachment. It gives information on the role of growth factors and their receptors, cytokines, adhesins, and enzymes in the processes of trophoblast migration and invasion, new possibilities of antenatal diagnosis of abnormal placental attachment, as well as current approaches to choosing a treatment policy. Particular emphasis is placed on the prediction and prevention of massive hemorrhage, by using balloon occlusion, ligation or embolization of the great arterial trunks, on the application of organ-preserving management in abnormal placental attachment.

Sobre autores

O Bayev

Academician V. I. Kulakov Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Russian Agency for Medical Technologies, Moscow

Email: metod_obsgyn@hotmail.com
Academician V. I. Kulakov Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Russian Agency for Medical Technologies, Moscow


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