Impact of depression on the severity of climacteric disorders, the state of the cardiovascular system and locomotor apparatus in women undergoing surgical interventions into the small pelvic organs


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The impact of depression on the health of women who had undergone hysterectomy and/or ovariectomy was studied. The study covered 249 women who had undergone surgical interventions into small pelvic organs. The presence of depression was verified in accordance with the diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Diseases, Edition 10. Clinical depression was diagnosed in 41.4% of the women. Depression was associated with an odds-ratio for cardiovascular events (OR = 4.01; 95% CI 1.04-15.52) and osteoarthrosis (OR = 2.79; 95% CI 1.65-4.7). Patients with depression reported complaints about pains at various sites, which can substantially make difficult the diagnosis of diseases that affect lifetime. The authors propose to make a diagnosis of depression that considerably influences the quality and duration of life in women after surgical interventions into small pelvic organs with the succeeding onset of menstruation.

Sobre autores

Nadezhda Izmozherova

A Popov

A Andreev

A Akimova

N Izmozherova

Urals State Medical Academy, Russia Agency for Health Care

; Urals State Medical Academy, Russia Agency for Health Care

A Popov

Urals State Medical Academy, Russia Agency for Health Care

; Urals State Medical Academy, Russia Agency for Health Care

A Andreyev

Urals State Medical Academy, Russia Agency for Health Care

; Urals State Medical Academy, Russia Agency for Health Care

A Akimova

Urals State Medical Academy, Russia Agency for Health Care

; Urals State Medical Academy, Russia Agency for Health Care


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