Use of sulodexide to improve intrauterine hemodynamics in patients with miscarriage


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Objective. To evaluate the efficiency of using sulodexide at the pregravid stage in recurrent miscarriage patients with the sonographic signs of angiopathy in the uterine artery bed to improve intrauterine hemodynamic parameters. Subjects and methods. This observational study included 135patients with a history of two or more spontaneous miscarriages. All the patients were examined. Along with generally accepted clinical studies, they underwent microbiological and instrumental studies (ultrasound during the implantation window using methods for assessing the state of intrauterine blood flow), and endometrial pipelle biopsy. The patients were divided into 2 groups. Women with an endometrial thickness of more than and less than 7 mm were selected for Groups 1 and 2, respectively. The patients of both groups took one capsule of sulodexide twice daily at day 5 of the menstrual cycle to day 7 of the luteal phase; Group 2 patients additionally received estradiol in combination with dydrogesterone. Results. During treatment, hemodynamic parameters in the uterine vessels reached target normal values in 93% of the patients in Group 1 and in 84% of those in Group 2. In addition, the M echo characteristics improved in both groups. Conclusion. The use of sulodexide to improve intrauterine hemodynamics in patients with miscarriage leads to a decrease in blood flow resistance in the uterine vessels and makes endometrial morphological and functional characteristics better, as evidenced by ultrasonography.

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Sobre autores

A. Yashchuk

Bashkir state medical university, Ministry of Health of Russia

head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology №2, doctor of medicine, professor 450008 450008Ufa, city, Lenina 3 street

A. Maslennikov

Bashkir state medical university, Ministry of Health of Russia

Ph. D., associate of Obstetrics and gynecology chair 450008 450008Ufa, city, Lenina 3 street

I. Fatkullina

GBIH RB Maternity hospital №3

doctor of medicine, professor of Obstetrics and gynecology chair with IPDO course №2, deputy chief physician on medical part 450065 Ufa, city, Koltsevaya 131 street

I. Rakhmatullina

Bashkir state medical university, Ministry of Health of Russia

professor of the chair of Oncology with the course of oncology and pathologoanatomy of post diploma institution education. Government educational institution of higher professional education 450008 450008Ufa, city, Lenina 3 street

E. Berg

Bashkir state medical university, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: nucleardeer@gmail
postgraduate student, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2 450008 450008Ufa, city, Lenina 3 street

P. Berg

Bashkir state medical university, Ministry of Health of Russia

postgraduate student of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2 450008 450008Ufa, city, Lenina 3 street


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