The provision of vitamin D in parturients and newborn infants in the mother-child dyad under the conditions of the Subarctic Zone of the Russian federation in the winter season



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Objective. To assess the provision of vitamin D in newborn infants and parturients in the mother-child dyad in the city of Arkhangelsk in the winter season. Subjects and methods. A total of 55 mother-child pairs from the city of Arkhangelsk were examined during the cross-sectional study. The level of 25(OH)D was determined in umbilical cord blood and parturients. Results. Vitamin D def iciency was found in the mothers: only 19 (35%) of the examined women had vitamin D levels above the recommended values (30 ng/ml). The newborns were provided with vitamin D much worse than their mothers: only 4 (7%) children had a normal level of vitamin D; 20 (36%) had the level that corresponded to its deficiency; severe deficiency and insufficiency were noted in 17(31%) and 14 (26%) newborn infants, respectively. The level of 25(OH)D in a baby was shown to be clearly related to its provision in his/her mother. Severe vitamin D deficiency was recorded in all children born to mothers with severe deficiency (25(OH)D levels below 10 ng/ml); the children born to mothers with deficiency (25(OH)D levels of 10-19 ng/ml) were observed to have severe in vitamin D deficiency in 43% of cases and insufficiency in 57%; those born to mothers with vitamin D def iciency (25(OH)D levels of 20-30 ng/ml) were found to have severe vitamin deficiency in 40% of cases, deficiency in 47%, and insufficiency in 13%. Conclusion. The critically low levels of vitamin D in umbilical cord blood (96% of the children have 25(OH) D levels below 30 ng/ml) indicate that it is necessary to introduce a system of urgent remedial measures using adequate correction schemes for both pregnant women and newborns who should be given vitamin D supplements from birth if their mothers have been found to have vitamin D deficiency. It is advisable to determine the baseline level of 25(OH)D in all pregnant women for the prescription of an appropriate dose of vitamin D.




Svetlana Malyavskaya

Northern State Medical University

MD, professor, head of the Department of Pediatrics

Viktoria Karamyan

K.N. Samoilova Arkhangelsk Clinical Maternal Hospital

Chief Physician

Galina Kostrova

Northern State Medical University

Candidate of Medical Science, associate professor of the Department of Normal Physiology

Andrey Lebedev

Northern State Medical University

MD, associate professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology


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