Calculation of bearing capacity of shafts and their joints under comparative corrosive tests

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Results of comparative corrosion fatigue tests are examined. The steel shafts of transmission gears under single and combined action of some factors (loading conditions, stress concentration, pH of the environment, polymer coating) were under study. Equations and nomograms of relative strength and durability coefficients for the probabilistic assessment of bearing capacity of mentioned parts in the field of high-cycle fatigue are given.

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Расчет несущей способности валов и их соединений при сравнительных коррозионных испытаниях

About the authors

S. S Chibukhchyan

State Engineering University of Armenia


M. G Stakyan

State Engineering University of Armenia


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  2. Степнов М.Н., Шаврин А.В. Статистические методы обработки результатов механических испытаний: Справочник. – М.: Машиностроение, 2007.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Chibukhchyan S.S., Stakyan M.G.

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