Improving the technological line for feed processing

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A new design of fodder shredder is suggested, with a reducer as transmission mechanism, containing a dual planetary reducer with four sun gears. This reducer provides the concordant operation of the technological line.

About the authors

P V Zaitsev

Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

S P Zaitsev

Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

Chuvash State Agricultural Academy


  1. Дробилка кормов ДКМ-5 / В кн. «Механизация и технология производства продукции животноводства» / В.Г. Коба и др. - М.: Колос, 1999.
  2. Измельчитель кормов ИКВ-Ф-5А «Волгарь». Лабораторный практикум по механизации и технологии животноводства / Б.И. Вагин и др. - Великие Луки, 2003.

Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2009 Zaitsev P.V., Zaitsev S.P.

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