Improving the technological process and engineering tools for direct grasses undersowing in the sod of natural forage lands




Results of search investigation concerning the development of effective methods for direct undersowing into the sod of natural lands are given. Comparative analysis of sowing quality with active and passive tools is carried out. Process variables and operation characteristics of grass seeders СДК-2.8 and СТС-2.1 are specified.


A Sokolov

Russian State Agricultural Correspondence University

Russian State Agricultural Correspondence University

S Zamana

State University of Land Management

State University of Land Management

V Patlay

Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture

Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture

T Fedorovskiy

Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture

Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture

V Kindsfater

Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture

Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture


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版权所有 © Sokolov A.V., Zamana S.P., Patlay V.V., Fedorovskiy T.G., Kindsfater V.Y., 2012

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