卷 81, 编号 4 (2014)


Elaboration of segmentation method for the Russian market of agricultural tractors

Mininzon V., Parfenov A.


Improved method of tractive power segmentation of wheeled and crawler agricultural tractors for the Russian market, is proposed. The method permits to analyze and forecast the market more fully and reliably as compared to practically used method of engine power segmentation.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):3-6
pages 3-6 views

Performance testing of a combined device for toxicity decreasing of exhaust gases

Chernetsov D., Kapustin V.


Performance testing of combined device for toxicity decreasing of diesel exhaust gases, are described. The results and analysis are given.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):7-8
pages 7-8 views

Conservation device for bushing-roller chains

Prokhorenkov V., Balashov A., Klepikov V., Shumov Y.


Device for cleaning and boiling of bushing-roller chains is proposed. It is used in preparation of agricultural machinery for long-term storage in off-season.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):9-10
pages 9-10 views

Multipurpose energotechnological assembly for a farm household

Zazulya A., Shuvalov A., Nabatov K., Mashkov A.


Results of application in agricultural enterprise of multifunctional energotechnological assembly for heat treatment of agricultural production are given.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):10-11
pages 10-11 views

Scraper dispenser

Vedischev S., Prokhorov A.


Design and operation of scraper dispenser with movable plates for dry and crumbled feed mixture, are described. Calculation method and research results are given.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):12-13
pages 12-13 views

Parameterization of extra-low pressure tires for chemicalization mobile vehicles

Godzhayev Z., Izmaylov A., Pryadkin V.


Results of theoretical researches concerning parameter optimization of extra-low pressure tires for mobile power units are given. Optimal value of diameter and width of tire for chemicalization vehicles operating on grounds of low bearing value, were determined.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):14-17
pages 14-17 views

Specified calculation of multi-disc adaptive friction clutches

Shishkarev M., Vu T.


Dependencies for specified calculation of nominal rotation moment and precision coefficient of a multi-disc adaptive friction clutch, taking into account friction in spline connections between friction discs and half-clutches, are obtained.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Microprofile formation on the surface of 65Г steel under friction with МК-5 metalloceramic friction material

Ilyuschenko A., Dmitrovich A., Leshok A.


Roughness of steel disc working surface operating in tandem with МК-5 metalloceramic friction layer based on copper with lubricant film, was investigated; results are given.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):21-25
pages 21-25 views

Tribotechnology of mobile agricultural and transport equipment parts restoration using motor oil modification with a fullerene-containing composition

Aulin V., Derkach A., Burya A., Makarenko D., Mischenko G.


Results of laboratory and production investigations of tribotechnical characteristic of fullerene-containing composition intended for restoration of friction surfaces of mobile agricultural and transportation machinery parts, are given.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Heat regimes adjustment in dryers with gravitational mobile layer

Andrianov N., Galkin A., Mei S., Li Z.


Dynamics of heat regimes adjustment processes in dryers with gravitational mobile layer, have been analyzed on the base of experimental data.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Elements of interaction between potato tubers and rotary separator

Shukhanov S., Kuzmin A., Ostroumov S.


Problems of interaction and damageability of potato tubers during mechanized harvesting with rotary separator of potato combine, are considered.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):33-35
pages 33-35 views

Automation of performance calculation of horizontal load stabilizers for machine and tractor units

Kuznetsov N., Gapich D.


Mathematical model determining parameters of tractor longitudinal and angular oscillations based on known design parameters of tractor and driving tires is considered. It permits to determine parameters of horizontal load stabilizers of machine and tractor unit without field tests.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):36-38
pages 36-38 views

Design quality control of small-scale mechanization mean of 0,2 tractive class

Devyanin S., Sapozhnikov I.


Units and design components of small-scale mechanization means of tractive class 0,2, were under investigation.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):38-42
pages 38-42 views

Theoretical analysis of working engine oil appropriateness to repair and recondition operations under action of multifunctional additives

Ostrikov V., Popov S., Zimin A., Zabrodskiy I.


Theoretical aspects of motor oil appropriateness to repair and recondition operations under action of multifunctional additives, ensuring life extension of oil and recondition of worn-out surfaces of machine parts, are considered.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):42-44
pages 42-44 views

Determination of service-area radius of machinery recycling enterprise

Aldoshin N., Lylin N.


Method of determination of optimal service-area radius for machinery recycling enterprise is presented. Specific operational costs during transportation of recycled machinery, is calculated. Allocation scheme of such enterprises within the Moscow region territory is proposed.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):45-47
pages 45-47 views

The 50th anniversary of ДТ-75 tractor made in Volgograd

Kosenko V.


The article is dedicated to 50th anniversary of mass production start-up of the famous ДТ-75 tractor in the Volgograd tractor plant. Principal stages of its improvement and modernization are given.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):48-52
pages 48-52 views

Expocentre in 2013

- -.


В 2013 г. Экспоцентр провел 95 выставок и 280 конгрессных мероприятий, в которых приняли участие 32 400 компаний из более чем 100 стран мира. Общее число посетителей всех смотров и форумов за год составило 1,794 млн человек, более 90% из них - специалисты.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2014;81(4):13
pages 13 views
