卷 80, 编号 3 (2013)


Review of agricultural tractors deliveries for Russian market

Gorbachiov I., Nefiodov A.


Issues of imported tractors for rural areas deliveries for Russian market over 2011 year are considered.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):3-4
pages 3-4 views

Parameter optimization of a combined system for the reduction of diesels exhaust gases toxicity

Chernetsov D., Kapustin V.


Structure, operating principle and results of parameter optimization of a combined system for the reduction of diesels exhaust gases’ toxicity are described.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):5-8
pages 5-8 views

Results of comparative testings of block-module cultivators

Mazitov N., Sharafiyev L., Sakhapov R., Galyautdinov N., Rakhimov R., Chetyrkin Y., Lobachevskiy Y., Dmitriyev S.


Results of comparative testings of an experimental block-module cultivator and its analogues КПС-4 and Sunflower-5 are given.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):54-56
pages 54-56 views

An improved cultivator’s working organ

Kushnir V., Benyukh O.


An improved cultivator’s working organ for weeds elimination is described.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):8-9
pages 8-9 views

РСК-2 shrubbery topper

Bychkov V., Shevkun V., Kadykalo G., Kotysko V.


Construction of a shrubbery topper intended for the regenerative pruning is examined. Its specification and information about laboratory and field tests are given.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):9-11
pages 9-11 views

Benches for laboratory testings of cabbage harvesters

Toncheva N., Tabakova Y., Alatyrev S.


Construction and principle of operation of benches for laboratory explorations of cabbage harvesters as well as results of their examination are presented.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):11-13
pages 11-13 views

Preconditions of using the sectionally-continuous speed regulation in tractors development

Gorodetskiy K., Shuvayev D., Sheveliov A.


A method of sectionally-continuous tractor speed variation is examined, based on the rational choice of sufficiently short diapason of diesel compensative parameter. In these conditions power doesn’t decrease below nominal one and fuel economy improves by decrease of diesel rotation rate.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):13-16
pages 13-16 views

Theory of tractor operation in overload mode with enrichment of diesel air charge

Ukhanov A., Ukhanov D., Ryblov M.


Parameters calculation technique of tractor operating in overload mode with diesel air charge enrichment with various hydrocarbonaceous activators (mineral diesel fuel, А-76, АИ-92 and АИ-95 petrols, ТС-1 kerosene, mixed rape-mineral and safflower-mineral fuels) is produced.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):17-19
pages 17-19 views

A technique of volumetric automated assembly of multispan units

Saninskiy V., Storchak N., Platonova Y.


Results of investigations in the field of propulsion engineering are given, aiming the obtainment of improved multispan units performance, their operating life, reliability factor, accuracy.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):19-23
pages 19-23 views

Mathematical modeling of leakages in axial-plunger hydraulic machines

Filippova Y., Makarkin I.


Mathematical modeling of leakages in drainage cavity depending on the degree of depreciation of pumping unit is presented.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):24-25
pages 24-25 views

Simulation testings and modeling of a felling-skidding-processing machine operation in the actual natural conditions

Skrypnik V., Kuznetsov A., Stepanischev O.


Procedure of simulation testings of a felling-skidding-processing machine in the actual natural conditions is presented and this process is stated.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):26-28
pages 26-28 views

Performance characteristics of an adaptive friction clutch of 2nd generation with separate force-closure

Shishkariov M., Luschik A.


Load-carrying capacity of an adaptive friction clutch of 2nd generation with separate force-closure is estimated. Relationship between the force of friction clusters closure and the accuracy of operation is revealed.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Calculation method of resistance and moment of resistance to soil cutting

Akimov A., Konstantinov Y., Fedorov D.


Calculation method of resistance and moment of resistance to soil cutting in dependence on rotation angle of working organ is developed. This method can be transferred mainly to other rotation working organs.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Calculation of grain mill characteristics for mobile compound feeds aggregates

Klychev Y., Reznik Y., Bestayev L.


Components of calculation of a two-rolling grain mill as more effective replacement assembly for mobile compound feeds aggregates instead of grain crushers are examined.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):36-37
pages 36-37 views

Probabilistic assessment of indicators of shafts and their joints corrosive fatigue resistance

Chibukhchyan S., Stakyan M.


Results of fatigue tests of steel 45 samples in the air and in corrosive mediums simulating the atmospheric exposure on shafts and their joints are examined. Functions of corrosion coefficients are suggested and nomograms for the application of these coefficients’ probabilistic values in improved calculations of corrosive fatigue resistance of constructive elements are drawn.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):38-41
pages 38-41 views

Sources of production and professional risks in technical service

Chernoivanov V., Burenko L., Filippova Y., Ivleva I., Kazakova V., Dankov A.


A block diagram of professional and production risks of diseases and injuries from hazardous and dangerous factors of production on-site is presented. Modern methods and means of protection from principal risks sources are described.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):41-44
pages 41-44 views

A differential method of the hydromechanical transmissions friction clutches diagnostics

Moshkin N., Alekseyev A., Alekseyev V.


A new method of hydromechanical transmission friction clutches diagnostics is suggested. Results of theoretical research were confirmed experimentally. Algorithm of technical state estimation of hydromechanical transmission friction clutches in bench tests conditions is given.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Manual hardening with plasma arc

Korotkov V.


Effect of surface hardening with plasma arc using the УДГЗ-200 device on properties of different steels was under study. Results of the investigation are given. Prospects of the new technique application are examined.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):47-49
pages 47-49 views

Structural features of Polish tractors

Goltyapin V.


Tractors manufactured by Polish companies Pronar and Ursus SA, their constructive features and key indicators of technical level are examined.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):50-54
pages 50-54 views

International conference in Belarus State Agrarian Technical University

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В Белорусском ГАТУ (Агромеханический факультет) 11–12 апреля 2013 г. состоится Международная научно-практическая конференция «Перспективные технологии и технические средства в сельскохозяйственном производстве».
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):37
pages 37 views

EXPOCENTRE-2012: figures and facts

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На встрече руководства ЦВК «Экспоцентр» и ТПП РФ с представителями СМИ, состоявшейся 30 января в Экспоцентре, обсуждались результаты деятельности ЦВК «Экспоцентр», а также новые проекты компании и ее планы на будущее.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2013;80(3):3
pages 3 views
