On petrogeochemical zoning of mesozoic volcanites of the ore fields of gold and polymetallic deposits of the Eastern Transbaikalia

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Transverse petrogeochemical zoning in the location of volcanites of Shadaronsky (J2-3) and Mulinsky (J2-3) series, characteristic of volcanic arcs, has been revealed in the Eastern Transbaikalia. Volcanites of the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series are developed in the frontal zone of the volcanic arc, in the suture zone of the Mongolo-Okhotsk suture (MOS), in the rear zone of the MOS - volcanites of the calc-alkaline series. The volcanites of the frontal and rear parts differ in their petrogeochemical composition, in the degree of oxidation of iron and in the distribution of rare earth elements (REE). These differences are characteristic of the volcanic arcs of the transition zones from the ocean to the continent. Vulcano-plutonic structures of the frontal zone of MOS produce gold mineralization, the rear zone of MOS - polymetallic mineralization.

About the authors

B. N. Abramov

Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: b_abramov@mail.ru
Russian Federation, 16a, Nedorezova street, Chita, 672014


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