Palynological characteristics of the Eocene–Early Miocene of Kvachina Bay, Western Kamchatka

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As a result of studying the stratigraphic distribution of palynomorphs in the Cenozoic marine strata of the Kvachina Bay section, six different age associations of dinocysts, spores, and pollen have been identified. Their analysis made it possible to date the deposits of the Tigil Unit by the Bartonian–Pribonian, the Belesovataya Unit – by the Oligocene–Early Miocene, and the overlying lower part of the Kavranian Series – by the Early Miocene. The age of the dislocated rocks underlying the Tigil Unit is estimated as Late Ypresian–(?) Early Lutetian. On the basis of the revealed changes in the ratios of the ecological groups of palynomorphs, conclusions were made about the paleoenvironmental in which the formation of strata took place in various time intervals.

About the authors

G. N. Aleksandrova

Geological institute RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The location of the cut Bay Kvachina.

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3. Table I. Characteristic taxonics of microphytoplankton of the Eocene – Early Miocene section of the Kvachin Bay. All images are given with one magnification.

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4. Table II. Characteristic microfitoplankton taxa of the Eocene – Early Miocene section of the Kvachin Bay. All images come from sample 11 and are given with one magnification.

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5. Table III. Characteristic microfitoplankton taxa of the Eocene – Early Miocene section of the Kvachin Bay. All images come from sample 11 and are given with one magnification.

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6. Table IV. Characteristic microfitoplankton taxa of the Eocene – Early Miocene section of the Kvachin Bay. All images are given with one magnification.

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7. Table V. Characteristic taxonics of microphytoplankton of the Eocene – Early Miocene section of the Kvachin Bay. All images are given with one magnification.

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8. Table VI. Characteristic microfitoplankton taxa of the Eocene – Early Miocene section of the Kvachin Bay. All images are given with one magnification, except FIG. 70–71, 73.

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9. Table VII. Characteristic microfitoplankton taxa of the Eocene – Early Miocene section of the Kvachin Bay. All images are given with one magnification, except FIG. 57.

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10. Fig. 3. Ratios of different palynomorph groups across the Kvachin Bay section as a percentage of the sum of all palynomorphs.

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11. Fig. 4. Stratigraphic distribution over the section of the Kvachin bay of microphytoplankton.

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12. Fig. 5. Stratigraphic distribution of the spore and plant pollen in the Kvachin Bay section.

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13. Fig. 6. The zonal scale of the Eocene – Miocene and bioactivity by Japanese dynocysts (Kurita, 2004) and its comparison with biological events by dinocists in the section of the Kvachina Bay. The age of the lower boundaries of the tiers is given according to (Vandenberghe et al., 2012; Hilgen et al., 2012).

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14. Fig. 2. The dismemberment of the section of the bay Kvachina different authors and the position of the studied samples.

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