Dr. Birshubsky. To the treatment of postpartum psychosis. Modern psychiatry. 1908

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Recently, Luciene Picqué pointed out that uteri surgery, such as curettage and even amputation of the cervix, can have a curative effect on psychoses that develop in women in the postpartum period. The author, in the case of postpartum psychosis, resembling hallucinatory insanity, performed curettage on the patient, after which, three months later, the patient left in an almost healthy state. The author attributes recovery to surgical treatment.

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Недавно Luciene Picqué указалъ на то, что операція въ области uteri, какъ выскабливаніе и даже ампутація шейки матки, могутъ цѣлебно дѣйствовать на психозы, развивающіеся у женщинъ въ послѣродовомъ періодѣ. Авторъ въ случаѣ послѣродоваго психоза, напоминавшемъ галлюцинаторное помѣшательство, произвелъ у больной выскабливаніе послѣ чего, спустя три мѣсяца, больная ушла почти въ здоровомъ состояніи. Выздоровленіе авторъ приписываетъ оперативному лѣченію.


About the authors

Pavel I. Kovalevsky

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com


Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 1908 Kovalevsky P.I.

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