Vol XV, No 4 (1908)

Original article

The torture of M. L. Melnikov from a scientific point of view

Kovalevsky P.I.


In June 1907, all of Russia was amazed and indignant at the crafty involvement and villainous torture of a member of the Union of the Russian People in Odessa, M. L. Melnikov, by some party of people.

According to Russkaya Rech, the circumstances of the case were as follows. On May 9 in the afternoon, a young man, 17 years old, M. L. Melnikov, who was a pupil of the Odessa Theological Seminary, was walking along the Nikolaevsky Boulevard in Odessa. Tired of the walk, Mr. Melnikov sat down on a bench opposite the apartment of the district commander, Mr. Kaulbars. Three young Jews were sitting on a bench nearby. Soon Kaulbars and his family came out onto the balcony of the vis-a-vis house.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):633-651
pages 633-651 views

To the question of lumbar puncture in nervous diseases

Favorsky A.V.


После того как Quincke в 1891 году ввел поясничный прокол в клинику, он получил широкое применение у постели нервных больных. Это обстоятельство вполне оправдывается теми ценными подчас результатами, которые дает пункция, главным образом, в диагностическом, а отчасти и в терапевтическом отношениях. Действительно, люмбальная пункция нередко разрешает наши сомнения там, где, мы, руководясь обычными методами изследования больных, не в состоянии выяснить себе диагноз страдания, как это, например, нередко случается при ранних степенях таких страданий, как tabes dorsalis или dementia paralytica.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):652-722
pages 652-722 views

Modern trends in the study of aphasia

Markelov G.I.


In the history of the doctrine of aphasia, there are already several eras. The most accurate moment in the history of this doctrine was in 1861, when Broca made a report at the Paris Medical Academy, in which, on the basis of two autopsies, he argued that the integrity of the third and partly the second left frontal gyri is necessary for the correct formation of speech.

A few years later, the fact was noted that a violation of the integrity of the Broca gyrus inevitably entails aphasia, but that aphasia is far from always associated with a lesion of the Broca gyrus. Already Meynert (1866) and Sander (1869) proved that the symptom complex of aphasia and its anatomical basis are much more complex than Broca suggested.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):723-744
pages 723-744 views

"On the question of the fine structure of peripheral sympathetic ganglia"

Mikhailov S.


In studying the fine structure of the peripheral sympathetic ganglia of mammals, I constantly used that modification of Ehrlich's method (staining of nerve elements with methylene blue), which I proposed in previous works and on the description of which in this small article I consider it superfluous to dwell. In these works on the fine structure of the ganglia of the heart and bladder, I propose a new classification of the nerve cells of the peripheral sympathetic ganglia, based on facts.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):745-753
pages 745-753 views

To the casuistry of myasthenia (myasthenia gravis)

Shuler A.G.


Before describing the patient observed by me with myasthenic paralysis or myasthenia gravis, I allow myself to report some data on this rather rare disease, noticed 15-20 years ago. —Myasth. gravis is clinically expressed in rapid and severe fatigue and weakness of voluntary muscles, reaching paresis and temporary paralysis.

Despite a significant number of observations (more than 200) and despite more than 50 autopsies, the essence of the disease has not yet been clarified, and the question has not been resolved whether to classify myasthenia gravis as an independent disease, or to look at it only as a symptom complex.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):754-773
pages 754-773 views

To the innervation of the swallowing movement

Kitaev F.Y.


In presenting the results that were obtained in the experiments just described, we will consider separately the results of stimulation of each of the investigated nerves. At the same time, we will first dwell on the irritations of the central ends, therefore, centripetal fibers, and then we will move on to irritations of the peripheral ends, i.e., centrifugal fibers.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):774-840
pages 774-840 views


A. V. Agapov. To the casuistry of tumors of the cerebellar-pontine angle. Journal of Neur. and psycho. named after S. S. Korsakov. Book 3 - 4. 1908

Donskov N.A.


The author describes a case where, on the basis of clinical data - dizziness, coordination disorders, a long course and the absence of indications of lues during the life of the patient, it was suggested that the cerebellum was affected. An autopsy revealed the presence of two tumors, cystic degenerate, each about 1/2 of a chicken egg, located in the tonsilla et flocculus region of both hemispheres of the cerebellum, on the sides of the medulla oblongata (in the angle between the pons and the cerebellum). On cuts, it was found that the substance of the cerebellum was separated from the mass of the tumor and was only squeezed by the tumor, which was in connection with the auditory nerve under the pia mater.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):841-842
pages 841-842 views

Dr. A. I. Yushchenko. Influence of thyroidin, spermine and adrenaline, as well as removal of the thyroid gland and testicles, on oxidative processes, urine toxicity and respiratory gas exchange in animals. Russian Doctor. 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


When investigating the processes of oxidation and poisonousness of urine in mentally ill people, one usually has to confine oneself to elucidating their increase and decrease, while a deeper study of these processes in people still seems difficult. For a deeper study of this matter, one has to study it on animals and then transfer it to people. The author has studied artificial hypersecretion and ascretion of the thyroid gland, testicles and adrenal glands in animals and gives the following results.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):842-843
pages 842-843 views

V. M. Verzilov. To the symptomatology of cerebellar cysts. Journal of neurology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. 1908. book. - 4

Segel A.S.


The author describes his own observations of 5 patients with cerebellar cysts. Based on his own observations and a review of the literature on this issue, he comes to the following conclusions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):843-844
pages 843-844 views

Ernest Dupre et B. Charpentier. Chronic polyneuritis with mental symptoms. Des psychopolyneurites chroniques. L'Encephole 1908. No. 4, avril

Kovalevsky P.I.


Often, convulsive attacks are accompanied by acute edema of the lungs, and such attacks are very life-threatening. In general, apparently, all seizures of epilepsy are accompanied by an increased secretion of mucus from the respiratory tract. Acute edema is often associated with cyanosis and dyspnea.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):844-846
pages 844-846 views

N. N. Yakunin. Report of the nervous department of the infirmary for the wounded at the Moscow Mariinsky Hospital. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov. 1908, book. 2

Sergeev L.A.


A condensed report of the above infirmary for 1 year 6 months. the Russo-Japanese War led the author to the following conclusions; among injuries, damage to the nervous system is not the last in terms of the severity of its consequences, and among them injuries of the spinal cord and brain are the most bleak. Most of these wounded remain disabled for the rest of their lives.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):846-846
pages 846-846 views

Ernest Dupre et B. Charpentier. Chronic polyneuritis with mental symptoms. Des psychopolyneurites chroniques. L'Encephole 1908. No. 4, avril

Obraztsov V.N.


Acute and subacute polyneuritis accompanied by mental symptoms have been the subject of scientific study in the last 20 years; but this cannot be said of chronic psycho-polyneuritis, the question of which can be considered relatively new. One of the authors mentioned, Dupré, elaborated this question from the point of view of etiological factors. The present, joint work with R. Charpentier, which is of exceptional clinical importance, concerns the general characteristics of psychopolyneuritis, and as an example, the authors cite one clinical case.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):846-848
pages 846-848 views

Dr. I. D. Ermakov. Traumatic psychosis. Journal. neur. and psychiatrist. named after S. S. Korsakov. 1908, book. 3-4

Sergeev L.A.


Describing several cases of traumatic psychosis, which had a peculiar course and are interesting especially because they belonged to the earliest stages of the development of mental illness during the Russo-Japanese War, the author notes the following features of the course of traumatic psychosis in war: Hereditary aggravation and stigmata of degeneration are found in traumatic psychosis more often than 50% and apparently play the role of the soil on which the disease develops. The mood of patients is depressed, timid, elevated very rarely.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):848-848
pages 848-848 views

V. A. Muratov. On the doctrine of periodic insanity in children. Modern psychiatry. Oct. 1907

Sergeev L.A.


The paper describes four cases of periodic psychosis in children. The author's conclusions are as follows: Periodic psychosis in children gives the same clinical forms as in adults, allowing for a circular, manic-depressive and monotonous periodic course. Judging by our cases, stuporous states develop quite easily, both in the manic and in the depressive stage.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):849-849
pages 849-849 views

A. Poletaev. Simulative illnesses in prisoners. Vestn. societies. hygiene, judicial and practical. medicine. Forensic psychiatry. July, 1908

Sergeev L.A.


The author, in a rather concise essay, examines, on the basis of 20 years of observation, feigning illnesses in prisoners and says that the latter simulate diseases of all organs and systems, except for acute infectious diseases. No feigning illnesses were observed in children. Men seem to feign more often than women; untried men and women more often feign than other categories of prisoners in order to extend the time before the trial, and in the meantime to discuss their investigative case in more detail before the trial, in a word, to utilize everything around them for their own benefit by their imaginary illness.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):849-850
pages 849-850 views

Dr. Birshubsky. To the treatment of postpartum psychosis. Modern psychiatry. 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


Recently, Luciene Picqué pointed out that uteri surgery, such as curettage and even amputation of the cervix, can have a curative effect on psychoses that develop in women in the postpartum period. The author, in the case of postpartum psychosis, resembling hallucinatory insanity, performed curettage on the patient, after which, three months later, the patient left in an almost healthy state. The author attributes recovery to surgical treatment.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):850-850
pages 850-850 views

Dr. Montier. Broca's aphasia. L'aphasie de Broca. 1908, 774 rubles and 175 drawings.

Kovalevsky P.I.


The work consists of two very voluminous volumes and has been published in a very complete and detailed manner. It seems completely impossible to state its content, even the features of the author's views. We have to confine ourselves to indicating only the departments on which the author dwells. First of all, the history of the issue and its literature are described in great detail, and the works on this issue are calculated up to Broca, Broca itself and following them until 1906.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):850-851
pages 850-851 views

Prof. Maeret. Jealousy. La Jalousie. 1908

Kovalevsky P.I.


This monograph is devoted to the study of jealousy in its physiological and pathological state. Physiological jealousy is a passion that does not find sufficient resistance and opposition from the will of this person. Pathological passion is mental illness. Pathological passion can manifest itself in the form of insanity, delusions of jealousy, monomony of jealousy in the form of delusions of persecution of automatic impulsivity, pure monosthesia and hyperesthesia of jealousy. The author analyzes jealousy from the point of view of physio-psychological, clinical and forensic.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):851-852
pages 851-852 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume XV, № 4 (1908)

Baklushinskiy I.D.


By the highest order of 18 Oct. 1909 The intern of the Kazan Regional Hospital, Dr. V.S. Boldyrev, was appointed senior intern of the same Hospital.

We have received a petition from the Parents' Committee at the Yekaterinburg Men's Gymnasium to the Minister of Public Education to cancel the exams, the content of which is given in an abbreviated form. The Parents' Committee unconditionally denies the usefulness of exams and sees in them the cause of excessive nervous excitement among children, which entails not a better assimilation of the sciences they teach, but, on the contrary, a desire to take courses concisely, adapting only to the programs that are supposed to be for exams.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):853-858
pages 853-858 views

Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of May 1, 1908

Osipov V.P., Pervushin V.P.


The chairman opened the meeting with a report that a family of Russian doctors had recently suffered a heavy loss in the linden of the deceased famous psychiatrist Lev Fedorovich Ragozin, whose activity had been going on for several years in Kazan. - The memory of the deceased, at the invitation of the chairman, was honored by standing up.

Full member of the Society V. I. Levchatkin delivered a speech dedicated to the memory of L. F. Ragozin.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):859-864
pages 859-864 views

Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of September 24, 1908

Osipov V.P., Sholomovich A.S.


Real member N. A. Donskov demonstrated a patient with hysterical flatulence.

The patient has been suffering from hysteria for a long time; the intestinal disease arose later.

Prof. N. A. Mislavsky. At the heart of this disease is undoubtedly a painful state of the cerebral cortex, which results in atony of the intestines and an increase in the tone of the sphincters, which causes flatulence. The stomach is in the same conditions. The origin of this phenomenon is clear; nevertheless, the study of the stomach and intestines is very important; since the path of psychoreflexes may also be affected, as Prof. Pavlov pointed out.

Neurology Bulletin. 1908;XV(4):864-867
pages 864-867 views

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