A. A. Butenko. Reaction of urine with a solution of mercuric nitrous oxide (liq. Bellostii) in progressive paralysis. - Russian Doctor, 1910, No. 2.

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Studying the urine of patients with progressive paralysis, the author, among other things, believed that with a solution of mercuric nitrous oxide (10%), the urine of such patients, when boiled, gives a gray and sometimes even black precipitate (Dr. Efimov's reaction is with worms). Such a reaction is more or less constant and is considered by the author to be an auxiliary “remedy for diff. paralysis diagnosis. He obtained a positive result in 84-91% of the patients with progressive paralysis studied by him.

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Изслѣдуя мочу больныхъ прогрессивнымъ параличемъ, авторъ между прочимъ полагалъ, что съ растворомъ азотнокислой закиси ртути (10%) моча такихъ больныхъ при кипяченіи даетъ сѣрый и иногда даже черный осадокъ (реакція д-ра Ефимова— при глистахъ). Такая реакція болѣе или менѣе постоянна и считается авторомъ вспомогательнымъ «средствомъ при дифф. діагнозѣ паралича. Положительный результатъ у него получился въ 84— 91 % изслѣдуемыхъ имъ больныхъ прогрессивнымъ параличемъ.


About the authors

Ivan D. Baklushinsky

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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