N. R. Botvinlka, E. R. Hesse and E. A. Giese. On the issue of recognizing tumors of the cerebral appendage, - Russian Doctor, 1910, № 29

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Early recognition of this disease can serve as a sufficient guarantee of the success of its operative detection. Meanwhile, just as here there are no completely reliable signs indicating a tumor of the appendage, the most important sign is hemianopsia bitemporalis, loss of visual acuity, etc., but all these signs are inconsistent. Even more unstable are disorders from other cranial nerves and changes in the fundus. A very important recognition feature is the expansion of the Turkish saddle and the change in the shape of the parts of the base of the skull adjacent to it, which are established by x-rays.

The authors describe two cases of a tumor of the cerebral appendage, diagnosed by them mainly in this last way. Among other signs of this disease, they first noted the absence of reflexes from the Achilles tendons.

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Раннее распознаваніе даннаго заболѣванія можетъ служить достаточнымъ залогомъ успѣшности оперативнаго нія его. Между тѣмъ, какъ здѣсь-то именно и пѣтъ вполнѣ достовѣрныхъ признаковъ, указывающихъ на опухоль придатка, наиболѣе важнымъ признакомъ служитъ hemianopsia bitemporalis, потеря остроты зрѣнія и т. д., но все это признаки непостоянные. Еще болѣе непостоянны разстройства со стороны другихъ черепныхъ нервовъ и измѣненія глазного дна. Весьма важнымъ распознавательнымъ признакомъ служитъ расширеніе турецкаго сѣдла и измѣненіе формы прилегающихъ къ нему частей основанія черепа, устанавливаемыя рентгеновскими лучами.

Авторами описаны два случая опухоли мозгового придатка, діагносцировавшіеся ими, главнымъ образомъ, этимъ послѣднимъ способомъ. Среди другихъ признаковъ даннаго заболѣванія ими впервые отмѣчено отсутствіе рефлексовъ съ ахилловыхъ сухожилій.


About the authors

Ivan D. Baklushinsky

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 1910 Baklushinsky I.D.

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