Vol IX, No 4 (1901)


The influence of artificial sutures of the skull in young animals on its growth and development

Babkin B.P.


Puppy; operation on the 29th day of birth. On the right parietal bone, there is a suture in the form of an arcuate fissure (crâniectomie à lambeaux). Seam length - 39.5 mm. Width - 5 mm. The artificial suture goes parallel to the extravascular (15.5 mm) to 2.5 mm the distance from it, then it bends, going parallel to the arrow-shaped (8 mm), also at the distance of 2.5 mm. from it and finally descends obliquely downward (26 mm.). The animal died 55 days after the operation (on the 84th day of birth).

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):1-91
pages 1-91 views

Own research

Nikolaev V.V.


In case of various kinds of diseases of the fundus of the eye, clinicians usually use the study in the opposite view for diagnostics purposes, thus obtaining and examining a real image of the fundus. Therefore, it is quite natural to desire first of all to be able to photograph a real reverse image of the retina. This is precisely the goal we set ourselves when we were studying the blood filling of retinal and choroidal vessels under the influence of various drugs or electrical irritation of the vagus and sympathetic nerve in higher animals.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):92-150
pages 92-150 views

About the so-called "recurrent paralysis" of the oculomotor nerve "(Paralysis n. Oculomotorii recidiva)

Mering M.M.


On the basis of the above characteristics and histories of the disease, we can, we believe, make up some idea of the returning paralysis of the oculomotor nerve, partly correcting our information on this issue, partly complementing them.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):151-171
pages 151-171 views

Mental and nervous diseases in the Far East

Erickson E.V.


In the ethology of mental and nervous diseases in the Amur Territory, which from ancient times acquired the notorious reputation of the area with an extremely large number of suicides, alcoholics, demented and feeble-minded, as everywhere, in addition to organic diseases in general, have an outstanding condition on the one hand hereditary predisposition other.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):172-229
pages 172-229 views

Dr. Jahrmarker. Contribution to Dementia paralytica in the female sex — general. Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 58 H. 1. 1901

Vorotynskiy B.


From all clinical material of the psychiatric clinic prof. Tuczek'a in Marburg over the past two decades, the author has collected 54 cases of progressive paralysis in women and subjected them to a detailed analysis. According to the family status, the sick were distributed as follows: 7 unmarried, 12 widows and 35 married; 7 of the last were abandoned by their husbands.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):230-231
pages 230-231 views

Dr. Habermaas. On the prognosis of epilepsy. General Magazine f. Psych. Vol. 58, Hf. 2-3. 1901

Vorotynskiy B.


Epilepsy, belongs to the number of diseases, for which the prediction is always extremely uncertain. The question of the curability of epilepsy remained completely open for a long time, and only since the use of bromide drugs in the treatment of this suffering did the prognosis for epilepsy improve. Over the past time, some authors have stated that some cases of pure epilepsy with appropriate treatment can be completely cured. Different observers unequally calculate the percentage of recovery in epilepsy: Hufeland and Müller take 5%, Laehr — 6%, Ackermann — 7.6%, Wildermuth — 8.5%, Reynold — 10%, Alt — 12.5.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):231
pages 231 views

Prof. V. Chizh. "The early diagnosis of lues cerebri" The Journal of Mental Pathology. July. 1901

Yanishevsky A.


Early recognition of brain syphilis is as difficult as it is important in practical terms, as in its early stage, brain syphilis seems to be a completely curable disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):232-233
pages 232-233 views

M. Lapinskiy. The state of reflexes in the paralyzed part of the body with total interruptions of the spinal cord. (Questions of Neuro-Psychic Medicine. Vol. VI)

Obraztsov V.


The author prefaces his work with a brief description of the anatomy of the reflex arc in accordance with modern times. Further on, he touches in detail on the views of physiologists on the reflex act and on clinical observations, which in recent times have been trying to undermine confidence in the correctness of physiological emergencies.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):233-239
pages 233-239 views

D. D Kotelevskiy. To scholarship about the nucleus of the upper branch of the facial nerve. Experimental research. Warsaw. 1901 year

Obraztsov B.


After giving the historical review of the question posed for the study of the issue, the author comes to the conclusion that “neither the Clark nucleus, nor the abducens-facialis nucleus have resisted in the sciences”. The nucleus for the upper Mendel branch and the cross of the facialis fibers are still controversial. For the facialis, only the core described by Deiters remains strictly proven. " Further, the author presents a modern view of the topography and relations of the brain stroke n. facialis and its nucleus.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):239-242
pages 239-242 views

Chronicle and mix

Nikolaev V.V.


On October 14, there was a celebration of Dr. B. I. Vorotynsky, who was leaving for the place of the senior physician of the psychiatric department of the Odessa City Hospital. Members of the Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists took part in the supper on his departure, headed by the chairman and comrade. the chairman, including the number and colleagues in the psychiatric clinic; in addition, doctors of the Military Hospital, where B.I. was a consultant, doctors of the District Hospital, Zemsky Hospital, and graduates. The celebration was sincere. In rѣchakh, at the address leaving together with good wishes, the high quality of BI was noted as a guarantee of his future success. The next day, Dr. B. Vorotynskiy went out of Kazan.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):243-250
pages 243-250 views

Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on April 29, 1901

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov, under the secretary of V.V. Nikolaev. Attended by years. honorary members of the Society K. A. Arnstein and I. M. Dogel and full members; R. A. Nuria, N. A. Mislavskii, V. N. Obraztsov, A. S. Seiel, G. V. Sorokovikov, D. A. Timofeev, A. E. Yanigievsky, guests of prof. A.M. Fortunatov, Dr. Orlov and Karaulov and about 20 people

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):250-252
pages 250-252 views

Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on September 30, 1901

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov, under the secretary of V.V. Nikolaev. Present: Mr. Honorary Member of the Islands I. M. Dogel and Mr. active members: B.I. Vorotynskiy, G. A. Klyachkin, R. A. Luriya, N, A. Milavskiy, V. N. Obraztsov, M. P. Romanov, L. A. Sergeev, G. V. Sorokovikov, A. Ye. Yapishevskiy; guests of Dr. Pervushin, Porfiryev, and a man about 15 people.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(4):252-254
pages 252-254 views

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