Study of the influence of structural and mechanical parameters of gelling agents for the creation of soft dosage forms with ginkgo biloba extract

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Relevance. The issues of creating domestic phytopreparations closely related to the problem of import substitution in pharmacy are significant. In this regard, the development of the composition and technology of nasal gel, using dry ginkgo biloba extract as an active component, for the treatment of chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, is very relevant. The purpose of study is to analyze the structural and mechanical parameters of the dosage form, the effect of excipients and active substance, to create a dosage form with the ginkgo biloba phytocomplex. Material and methods. To assess the effect of different concentrations of the chitosan gel-forming agent and the active substance on the structural and mechanical parameters of the dosage form, model compositions of gels were studied. Rheological characteristics of the samples were studied by rotational viscometry. Conclusion. Rheological characteristics of the dosage form have been established. The effect of the concentration of chitosan gel-forming agent and the active substance of dry ginkgo biloba extract on the structural and mechanical parameters of the dosage form was studied. The viscosity of solutions of high-molecular compounds was determined.

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About the authors

E. V. Kovtun

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute-branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor

Pyatigorsk, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Flow curves of the model formulations: a - without addition of dense ginkgo biloba extract; b - with dense ginkgo biloba extract

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3. Fig. 2. Determination of thixotropic properties of the studied samples (temperature 20 °C): a - chitosan content of 5%; b - chitosan content of 10%; c - chitosan content of 5% with the content of thick extract of gingko biloba 10%

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4. Fig. 3. Viscosity curves of model compositions: a - without adding a thick extract of ginkgo biloba; b - with adding a thick extract of ginkgo biloba 10%

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