Technological studies of a standard sample of retinol palmitate obtained from natural raw materials

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Relevance. One of the most common and popular reference samples used as reliable standards is retinol palmitate – vitamin A, which is widely used both in the food industry and in veterinary medicine, but this sample is especially popular when analyzing pharmaceutical products. However, this valuable object still needs to implement a number of technological solutions, primarily related to the technology of its production from domestic natural raw materials, taking into account the extremely significant resource-saving factor today. For the first time, a species of fish successfully grown and cultivated in Russia – the salmon family – trout, as well as a representative of the flounder and mackerel breeds that are not cultivated, but exist in Russia, are considered as raw materials.

This article discusses a method for obtaining the substance of vitamin A, which is actively used in pharmaceutical production. There are several known ways to obtain fat-soluble vitamin A both from natural raw materials and by synthesis. The article examines technological approaches with the use of innovative measures that increase the production attractiveness of the developed technological approach (technological scheme). The originality of these studies is based on the use of resource-saving technologies in the production of fat-soluble vitamins, which reduce the consumption of materials (reagents), labor and energy costs, by reducing the time for the main technological stage, as well as the possibility of using the resources of domestic enterprises for processing cultivated and wild fish species as a raw material base.

The purpose of the work. To propose an original technology for obtaining vitamin A substance (retinol palmitate) using the domestic fish raw material base, and to identify and standardize the result obtained.

Material and methods. The main object of the study is the type of fish actively grown on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main factors determining the choice of the object were such characteristics as the availability of the raw material base, the high fat content in the object and the relatively low cost of raw materials.

In the production process, innovative methods of obtaining and cleaning the final product were also used, such as oxygen-free technological operations using the microwave exposure method.

The identification of vitamin A in the samples was carried out using UV spectrometry, which confirmed the validity of the selected raw material object.

Results. The use of innovative methods for isolating the substance from fish products using the effect of microwave decomposition of biological material in an inert gas environment has reduced the time of the main stage of production from an average of 180 minutes to 30.

The production of substances from natural materials makes it possible to obtain a cleaner and, as a result, a more physiological product that does not require complex purification steps and does not have toxic micro-impurities in its composition.

The developed method of obtaining vitamin A substance will make it possible to replenish the material base, which should exist as a constantly replenished resource. Special attention should be paid that the vitamin A substance can be used not only as a pharmaceutical substance, but can also find its application in the veterinary and food industries as a biologically active additive (dietary supplement) and as a reference material - a standard sample (CO) for use in analytical practice (conformity assessment) and scientific research.

Conclusions. Thus, for the first time, an original technology was developed for the production of retinol palmitate from natural domestic raw material – fish belonging to breeds cultivated in Russia. The optimal technology has been developed taking into account the resource-saving factor. In the process of technology, such innovative technological techniques as the use of oxygen-free grinding of raw materials, microwave radiation during hydrolysis, the implementation of all technological stages in an inert gas environment have been developed.

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About the authors

E. B. Sysuev

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute Research Center – Branch of the Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Author for correspondence.

Ph.D. (Pharm.), Leading Research Scientist

Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk

E. F. Stepanova

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute – branch of the Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology with a course in Medical Biotechnology

Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk

V. D. Noskova

Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Post-graduate Student, Department of Pharmacy and Chemistry

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1

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3. Fig. 2

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