Features of accumulation of heavy metals and arsenic in medicinal plant raw materials of dandelion of medicinal collected in urband agrobiocenoses of Voronezh region



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Voronezh region is one of the most important regions of agriculture and crop production. The aim of the study is to analyze the contamination of medicinal plant raw materials with heavy metals and arsenic using the example of dandelion roots prepared in various urban and agroecosystems of the Voronezh region. The study was carried out using pharmacopoeic techniques using an atomic absorption spectrometer МГА-915МД. Concentrations of lead, mercury, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, copper, cobalt, zinc, chromium in 51 plant raw materials were determined. A comparison of data on the content of the studied elements in the soils of the region and their concentration in the roots of the dandelion drug suggests the presence of physiological barriers that prevent the accumulation of toxic substances in the plant, which is especially noticeable for lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, cobalt and chromium. Dandelion medicine selectively accumulates copper and zinc if their content in the environment is below the vital level. Based on the studies conducted, it can be assumed that in conditions of anthropogenic impact on the habitat of the dandelion drug as a result of the selection action in conditions of man-made pollution of the external environment and the manifestation of adaptation to these conditions, its edaphotype is formed.




N. Dyakova

Voronezh State University

Email: ninochka_v89@mail.ru
Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering


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