Effects of Clomipramine on Changes in Subpopulations of Lymphocytes and Cell Cycle Arrest in the Thymus and Spleen, Arising under Chronic Social Defeat Stress in Depressive Male Mice


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Smagin DA, Galyamina AG, Bondar NP, Kudryavtseva NN. [
Effects of clomipramine on mixed anxiety/depression state produced by chronic social defeat stress in male mice].
Psychopharmacol Biol Narcol. 2011;11(1-2).
Epub 14 June 2011. Russian.

BACKGROUND. Chronic social defeat stress in daily agonistic interactions leads to development of mixed anxiety/depression state in male mice. Paper aimed to study effects of clomipramine on psychoemotional state in these animals with point on level of anxiety and depression.
METHODS. Mixed anxiety/depression state was produced by chronic social defeat stress during 20 days in male mice. Clomipramine (20, 40 mg/kg, i/p, SIGMA) and saline were chronically injected to chronically defeated mice during 2 weeks without agonistic interactions. After resting period the male mice were investigated in the partition, plus-maze and Porsolt' tests.
RESULTS. Clomipramine in dose 40 mg/kg decreased communicativeness in the partition test, produced anxiogenic effects and decreased exploratory activity in the plus-maze test and had antidepressive effect in the Porsolt' test. Clomipramine in dose 20 mg/kg had weak antidepressant effect and did not affect enhanced level of anxiety.
CONCLUSION. Clomipramine produces anxiogenic and antidepressant effects on mixed anxiety/depression state in male mice. It is supposed, that clomipramine, at least in dose of 40 mg/kg, may independently influence on anxiety and depression states.

Date submitted: March 24, 2011; Accepted: June 13, 2011.

Citation: Psychopharmacol Biol Narcol. 2011;11(1-2):2666-2676

Sobre autores

Nataliya Kudryavtseva

Email: n.n.kudryavtseva@gmail.com

Dmitriy Smagin

Anna Galyamina

Anna Shurlygina

Evgeniya Mel'nikova

Mikhail Tenditnik

Natal'ya Panteleeva

Valeriy Trufakin

N Kudryavtseva

Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS

Email: n.n.kudryavtseva@gmail.com
; Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS

D Smagin

Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS

; Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS

A Galyamina

Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS

; Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS

A Shurlygina

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS

E Melnikova

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS

M Tenditnik

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS

N Panteleeva

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS

V Trufakin

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS


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