Compensatory mutations as a mechanism for preserving virulence and viability of drug-resistant forms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis




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Tuberculosis remains one of the leading causes of death from infectious diseases in the world. According to WHO data, tuberculosis is diagnosed annually in more than 100 million people and causes 4.5 thousand deaths. Despite a steady decline in the main epidemiological indicators for tuberculosis, the drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) continues to increase steadily, and according to the Saint-Petersburg Research Institute for Phthisiopulmonology data that occures in all its localizations. There is a dangerous spread of multiple and broad drug resistance of MBT, and, most alarmingly, total resistance of MBT to all anti-tuberculosis drugs. The purpose of the review is to summarize current data on compensatory mutations that pose a serious threat, allowing to preserve the viability and virulence of drug-resistant forms of M. tuberculosis. Material and methods. The literature search was carried out using databases eLIBRARY.RU, MedLine, PubMed for 2000 - 2021. Results. MBT drug resistance, unlike other infections, results from accumulation of chromosomal mutations, rather than from plasmids and mobile genetic elements. Currently, mutations in genes associated with resistance to almost all anti-tuberculosis drugs are known. Drug resistance acquisition has pleiotropic effects, i.e. it is associated with known biological costs, often reducing the viability and virulence of MBT. But numerous studies have established that in the course of MBT evolution, so-called compensatory mutations are acquired in other genes, that can interact epistatically with resistance mutations, thereby reducing the «cost» of adaptiveness while maintaining the viability and virulence of the pathogen. Conclusion. The current crisis of classical antibacterial therapy necessitates further in-depth study of compensatory mutations, mainly to find «antimutators» as an alternative therapy to improve the effectiveness of tuberculosis treatment.




Boris Vishnevsky

St. Petersburg State Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Scientific Advisor; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Ligovsky pr. 2-4, St. Petersburg, 191036, Russian Federation


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