Surgical correction of primary nonrefluxing megaureter in childrenand its long-term results

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Correction of primary non-reflux megaureter (153 ureters) was
made in 136 patients aged 3 months to 14 years. Bilateral disease was
in 17 patients. Non-reflux non-obstructive megaureter was in 113 cases,
obstructive in 40 cases including association with ureterocele in
23 cases. Resection of distal ureter with its neoimplantation into the
urinary bladder according to the antireflux technique was made in 146
patients, endovesical electroperforation and resection of ureterocele
were made in 5 and 2 patients, respectively. Good results were obtained
in 88.3% (135 ureters), satisfactory in 2.6% (4 ureters), unsatisfactory
in 9.1% (14 ureters). After effective correction of megaureter, the
treatment should be focused on adequate therapy of
pyelonephritis pressent in 90% examinees, on improvement of urodynamics
and stabilization of sclerotic process in renal parenchyma.
The patients need long-term follow-up and more effective treatment.


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