Long-term results of ureteral endoprosthesis with nitinol stents

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Ureteral endoprosthesis results are presented for 22 patients (9 males and 13 females) with long strictures of the upper urinary tract (UUT). Stenosis was caused by rectal tumor in 2 patients, by cancer of the uterine cervix in 5 patients. In a female with Burneville-Pringle disease metallic prosthesis was set in the pyeloureteral segment (PUS) of the solitary right kidney. Six patients had long strictures of the abdominal part of the ureter, 4 had PUS strictures, 3 - of the ureter of the transplanted kidney and 1 had stricture of ureterocalicoanastomosis after Neivert operation. Endoprosthesis was established by a retrograde approach in 13 cases, via percutaneous antegrade approach - in 9 cases. In postoperative period 2 patients had exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, they received anti-inflammatory treatment. Patancy of the ureter was reestablished in all the cases and persisted for all the follow-up period (4-62 months). Late after operation a patients with Burneville-Pringle disease developed UUT obstruction because of ureteral compression by enlarged angiolipomatous nodes under endoprosthesis. Therefore, one more nitinol stent was set in the upper third of the right ureter retrogradely. Thus, ureteral endoprosthesis in long and recurrent strictures of the ureter, ineffective plastic surgery on the UUT is an operation of choice.


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