Choice of an upper urinary tract drainage method in urolithiasis

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We made a retrospective (290) and a prospective (131) analysis of the evidence obtained on 421 patients with nephrostomic drainage (251) and an ureteral stent (170) treated for urolithiasis in the urological department of the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute from 1995 to 2008. Assessment of clinical and laboratory characteristics of the patients with nephrostomic drainage and an ureteral stent allowed the following conclusions: puncture nephrostomy (p < 0.05) for upper urinary tract drainage is preferable in a solitary functioning kidney, acute obstructive pyelonephritis, anuria, hyperthermia 380 and higher, marked supravesical urodynamic disorder, renal failure, plasmic creatinine level over 200 mcmol/l, azotemia over 10 mmol/l, blood potassium over 5.0 mmol/l, uric acid over 380 mcmol/ l and leukocytosis over 8.0x109/l. In the other cases a drainage method can be chosen by a physician. Cephalosporines, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones and carbapenems in standard doses are recommended in active inflammation when antibioticograms are not obtained yet. Significant differences are seen in drainage with nephrostoma and ureteral stent. Recommendations on nephrostomic drain and ureteral stent installation depending on clinical and laboratory findings are presented.


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