Combined treatment of patients with nephrolithiasis complicated with secondary pyelonephritis

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A total of 151 patients with nephrolithiasis participated in the study of efficacy and safety of the drug prolit cepto in conservative treatment of nephrolithiasis patients, preoperative preparation and in postoperative period after extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ECSWL) or nephrolitholapaxy. It was found that combined treatment of nephrolithiasis complicated by secondary pyelonephritis with addition of prolit cepto raises efficacy in management of inflammation due to a positive action on microcirculation and urine bacteria. Administration of prolit cepto in nephrolithiasis patients exposed to ECSWL or nephrolitholapaxy reduces the risk of infectious and inflammatory complications, has a nephroprotective effect and improves the course of postoperative period.


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