Zidena treatment of erectile dysfunction due to stress-induced arterial hypertension in locomotive teams

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Thirty train drivers with erectile dysfunction (ED) and arterial hypertension were examined : physical examination, blood count, urinalysis, penile laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). ED severity was assessed by Loran-Segal questionnaire of male copulative function (MCF) and international index of erectile function (IIEF). Zidena® was used in a dose 100 mg 30 min before coitus twice a weak. Examinations have detected mild and moderate ED, spastic disorders of penile microcirculation. MCF significant improvement (p < 0.05), rise of IIEF score were seen after 30 days of zidena treatment. A positive trend was observed after 15 days of treatment. LDF registered a significant (p < 0.05) improvement of microcirculation. Tissue hypoxia and ischemia lowered, blood inflow in the system of microcirculation increased. A passive mechanism of blood flow regulation, vasodilation almost corresponded to physiological standards. Administration of zidena in patients with stress-induced hypertension has improved libido, quality and duration of erection, penile microcirculation due to better tissue perfusion with blood, reduction of ischemia and blood congestion in the venules. Duration of coitus increased.


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