The role of ultrasonography in diagnosis of cryptorchidism in children

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Complex preoperative ultrasonic investigation of the inguinoscrotal area and abdominal cavity was made in 265 patients with cryptorchidism aged 1 to 14 years. The data of this investigation allowed development of an original technique of differential diagnosis of testicular retention and ectopy. Informative value of ultrasonic investigation in diagnosis of testicular ectopy and retention reached 100%. Examination of 44 children with unpalpable testes diagnosed abdominal cryptorchidism in 42 (65.6%) patients. In 10 (15.6%) patients testicular visualization failed. Testicular aplasia was diagnosed in 12 (18.8%) patients. Assessment of morphofunctional condition of the retained gonade showed that all the children had deficiency of testicular volume and abnormal intratesticular blood circulation.


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