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Introduction. The length of the operation to remove urinary concernments has a marked effect on the occurrence of postoperative complications in the time of the postoperative patients in the hospital. A significant factor contributing to the increase in time is the clouding of the fragmentation region, which increases the operation time and the number of complications. Purpose: to develop a method of reducing the time of additional costs in contact lithotripsy with a holmium laser in order to reduce the risk of postoperative complications. Materials and methods. The paper presents the own results of in vivo measurements of time intervals spent on fragmentation of stone. Fragmentation of stones in kidney was carried out by a holmium lithotripter of Triple type with the help of semirigid and flexible ureteroscopes. In the case of severe clouding of the fragmentation region, the author ‘s technique of percutaneous micro-drainage of the kidney was used. The evaluation of the duration ofthe fragmentation procedure is based on statistical processing of the obtained measurement data using Excell Data Analysis tools. Results. In the process of analysis of literary sources and results of own studies it was revealed that with increase in duration of contact laser lithotripsy the number of postoperative complications significantly increases. In order to reduce the time of transurethral contact holmium lithotripsy, the author ‘s technique of percutaneous micro-drainage has been developed. By in vivo measurements and statistical processing of the data, it was found that by using the micro-drainage technique, the average additional washing time of the fragmentation region was reduced by an average of 4 times compared to the conventional technique. Conclusion. By further washing the fragmentation region, it is possible to reduce the time of additional crushing costs by at least 4 times and reduce the number of postoperative complications.

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About the authors

A. N Eremenko

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Head of the Department of Urology, St. Luke ‘s Clinical Medical Multidisciplinary Center Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russia

S. N Eremenko

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Head physician, St. Luke ‘s Clinical Medical Multidisciplinary Center Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russia

V. S Chernega

Sevastopol State University

Ph.D., associate professor at the Department of Information Systems Sevastopol, Russia


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