Nebido in the treatment of hypogonadism syndrome and its complications in men

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The article presents original experience with use of undecanoate (nebido, BayerHealthcare Pharmaceuticals, Germany) in androgenic testosteron replacement therapy in males with hypogonadism. Prospective studies of nebido efficacy were made in males with vein-occlusive erectile dysfunction (n = 20), chronic pelvic pain syndrome (n = 77), metabolic syndrome (n = 170). Retrospective studies assessed efficacy of nebido monotherapy in patients with erectile dysfunction and hypogonadism (n = 34), hematological and urological safety of the drug (n = 40). Laboratory monitoring was performed in all the studies according to ISSAM recommendations. The patients were not included in contraindications to androgenic therapy. Nebido treatment significantly improved libido and erectile function, efficacy of phosphodiesterase of type 5 inhibiors used in moderate and severe erectile dysfunction. Depressive, asthenic, pain symptoms declined in males with chronic pelvic pain. Body fat reduced in metabolic syndrome with alleviation of its other components. Insignificant rise of hemoglobin level and packed cell volume was observed in some patients while a PSA level increase was clinically significant in 10% patients who had initial PSA > 2.5 ng/ml and acromegalia. Also, nebido depressed production of gonadotropins and spermatogenesis. Thus, nebido is highly effective in sexual dysfunction and other somatic disorders caused by hypogonadism. Nebido does not induce severe side effects, but clinically significant rise of PSA level requires treatment discontinuation and more careful urological examination. In view of nebido ability to suppress spermatogenesis, the drug should not be used in reproductively active men.


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