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Globally, the number of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has been steadily increasing every year. These patients need renal replacement therapy which includes peritoneal dialysis, programmed hemodialysis and kidney transplantation, which is the ultimate form of replacement. Living donor kidney transplantation has significant advantages over cadaveric kidney transplantation regarding the long-term functional results of renal transplant and the survival of recipients. Open nephrectomy, previously used to retrieve a healthy kidney from a donor is associated with traumatic access and a long recovery period of the donor. With the development of minimally invasive technologies, laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy has been developed, which currently is the best method for retrieving transplant kidney. The review outlines the characteristics and outcomes of laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy for kidney transplantation.

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Sobre autores

A. Sokolov

Urologist, PhD student at the Department of Endoscopic Urology, RMAPE

A. Martov

Department of Endoscopic Urology, RMAPE, Department of Andrology and Urology, A.I. Burnazyan SSC Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA of Russia


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