Professor Joachim Albarran. Urologist and scientist ahead of his time


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The articIe anaIyzes the scientific and practicaI activities of the prominent French urologist Professor Joachim Albarran (1860-1912). It is noted that a student of the founder of French uroIogy F. Guyon I. Albarran in 1906 was elected in his place Professor of urology and head of the Department of the Necker hospitaI (HopitaI Necker) in Paris. It is shown that in 1891 he published a work on bladder tumors, creating a new progressive classification of them. This paper presents well-known monographs by I. Albarran on the mechanism of origin ofhydronephrosis, tubercuIosis, and kidney tumors. He deveIoped a method for studying the functionaI activity of the kidneys and proposed the method of «experimental polyuria» (1905). It is also noted that I. Albarran invented the catheterization cystoscope and this made ureteraI catheterization a method widely available in practical surgery. I. Albarran’s extensive operational experience was described in his manual of operative surgery of the urinary tract (1909), which stiII has not Iost its vaIue. I. AIbarran created a briIIiant scientific schooI, from which came a whoIe gaIaxy of outstanding cIinicians and uroIogists.

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Sobre autores

T. Morgoshiia

Saint Petersburg clinical hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences


V. Kalashnikova

St. Petersburg state pediatric medical University of Ministry of healthcare of Russia

PhD, surgeon


  1. Моргошия Т.Ш. Вклад выдающихся немецких профессоров Дж. Израэля (1848-1926) и М. Нитце (1848-1906) в клиническую урологию (к 170-летию со дня рождения). Урология. 2018; 3: 149-152
  2. Моргошия Т.Ш., Сасова В.Д., Беляева Д.О. Памяти профессора Л. Каспера - уролога-новатора и видного ученого (к 160-летию со дня рождения и 60-летию со дня смерти). Урология. 2020;3:137-138
  3. Albarran J.R. Сouvelaire. Urologia (Treviso). 1897;27(I):480-484.
  4. Доклад М.М. Дитерихса 20/II 1912 г. на 33-м заседании Киевского хирургического общества. Труды общества. В. 4. С. 240-242
  5. Гаспарян А.М. Краткий исторический очерк развития урологии. Руководство по клин. урол., под ред. А.Я. Пытеля. М., 1969. С. 5-17
  6. Cincuentenario de Ia muerte del Dr. Joaquin Albarran. La Habana, 1962.
  7. Fischer V.I. Biographisch es Lexikon der hervorragenden Arzte, hrsg. В. Wien, 1932; Bd 1. S. 14-22.

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