Successful combined surgical treatment double giant ureterocele complicated by double ureterohydronephrosis, cascade lithiasis and uterine myomatosis


A case is reported of a 58 year old patient with a diagnosis: double giant ureterocele, secondary multiple calculi of the right ureterocele, calculus of the inferior calyx of the right kidney, calculus of the terminal part of the left ureter, double ureterohydronephrosis, chronic pyelonephritis, multiple calcifying myoma of the uterus. A combined single-stage operation (panhysterectomy, deletion of multiple calculi of the right ureterocele, deletion of the calculus of the left ureterocele, crosscut right ureterectomy with excision of ureterocele, right ureterocystoneostomy by Leadbetter-Politano, installation of the double J-stent into the right kidney, crosscut and longitudinal left ureterectomy with excision of ureterocele, left ureterocystoneostomy by Leadbetter-Politano, installation of intubating drainage into the left ureter, cystostomy) followed by extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy were performed in this adult patient with combined pathology of the urinary system.


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