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Introduction. Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PNL) is the recommended method of surgical treatment of kidney stones of size greater than 2 cm. Trends in the development of modern urology have been steadily toward less traumatic method to treat nephrolithiasis - minimally invasive PNL. The present work aimed to explore of the possibilities of one of the modern variants of minimally invasive PNL - ultra-mini-PNL in treating nephrolithiasis. Materials and methods. The study included 60 patients (mean age 45.6±7.2 years) with isolated kidney calculus, up to 2.0 cm or several stones with a total size of up to 2.5 cm. All patients were found to have 77 kidney stones, six of which had a size of 10 mm, 51 had a size of 11-15 mm and 20 had a size of 16-20 mm. 45% of patients had isolated renal pelvic stones and 28.3% had stones in the renal pelvis and lower calyx. All patients underwent ultra-mini-PNL using nephroscope size 7.5 Ch and tube size 12 Fr. Results. The average duration of surgery from the moment of the puncture of the pyelocaliceal system to installing the nephrostomy tube was 65.4 minutes. Complete clearance of stones after single-stage ultra-mini-PNL was observed in 80% of cases. Nephrostomy tube was removed on days 2-3. The average postoperative hospital stay was 5.1 days. The most common complication was postoperative exacerbation of pyelonephritis (13.3% of patients), successfully treated with conservative measures. There were no cases of postoperative bleeding, accompanied by anemia and needed a blood transfusion. Conclusion. Considering high effectiveness and low rate of complications of ultra-mini-PNL, it can be successfully used in treating nephrolithiasis among a wide group of patients.




A. Martov

Email: martovalex@mail.ru
Moscow Qty Qinical Hospital № 57 of Moscow Healthcare Department A.I. Burnazyan SSC Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA of Russia, Department of Urology and Andrology

S. Dutov

Moscow Qty Qinical Hospital № 57 of Moscow Healthcare Department PhD

A. Andronov

Moscow Qty Qinical Hospital № 57 of Moscow Healthcare Department A.I. Burnazyan SSC Federal Medical Biophysical Center of FMBA of Russia, Department of Urology and Andrology


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