Patients with newly diagnosed benign prostatic hyperplasia



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The study aimed to characterize patients with newly diagnosed benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and identify patterns that lead to late diagnosis of the disease. Study design. Simple open retrospective non-comparative study. Material and methods. To determine the frequency of requests for medical care for BPH, the study analyzed medical records of3544 patients who sought outpatient urological care at the municipal polyclinic # 26 in Novosibirsk in 2013. Outpatient medical cards of 165 patients with newly diagnosed BPH were analyzed. Results. Among 3544 patients seen by the urologist of the polyclinic, 960 (27.1%) had BPH. Analysis of medical records of 165 men with newly diagnosed BPH showed that the disease was associated with age. The shortest duration of the disease (0.8+0.5 years) was noted in patients under 50 years old, the longest (4.7±2.1 years) in men over 70 years old. The smallest prostate volume was 32 ml, the largest 150 ml. The mean size of the gland naturally increased with age. The mean PSA level also naturally increased with age: from 1.1+0.8 ng/ml in individuals up to 50 years to 3.0±0.7 ng/ml in patients older than 70 years. The maximum IPSS was in the 61-70 year age group (16.7±5.9 points); the minimum IPSS was in the age group up to 50 years (9.5±3.6 points). The duration of the symptoms directly correlated with the prostate volume. At the prostate volume of 60 ml and more, symptom scores showed a 1.5 fold increase. In married patients, the mean IPSS was 13.8+5.4, while in single men it was 16.3+5.5 (p=0.008). Conclusion. Patients with BPH account for 27.1% of all patients seeking urological care at the polyclinic. In young men, symptom severity is lower than that in senior men. However, the elderly are more concerned about their symptoms, they have worse quality of life, and they seek medical attention earlier. Married patients are more likely to see a urologist with significantly less severe symptoms than single men.




I. Meshkov

Novosibirsk TB Research Institute of Minzdrav of Russia

Junior Researcher

E. Kulchavenya

Novosibirsk TB Research Institute of Minzdrav of Russia; Novosibirsk State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

Dr.Med.Sci., Prof., Principal Researcher; Prof. at Department of Tuberculosis

S. Shevchenko

Novosibirsk TB Research Institute of Minzdrav of Russia

Ph.D., Senior Researcher

A. Neimark

Altai State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

Dr.Med.Sci., Prof., Head of the Department of Urology and Andrology with the Course of Specialized Surgery


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